Eurocentric? well many people here are huge fans of Confucius (or Confucious according to Imperator) apparently.
China, India - civilised for far longer than Europe, and roughly have 4to5x the population at any given point in the past. But many don't even have one here, not Conservative, DesertFox, not Koala, not really Tcahikovsky - and this should mostly be East philosophers.
If I chose European philosophers well it is mainly because I do not know at all most of the philosophers you said Juq.
Yes, that is what I was saying - not fully your faute, you were not taught these.
In short, Siddhārtha Gautama, he gave up his rich life, as he realised that life is always more toil than reward, so just relax, do nothing, eh.
Mahāvīra, Jainist philosopher, most of all, I like him for basically spreading the thought of nonviolence
under all settings, but also taught that a fellow ought be truthful, non-thieving, helpful, and un-confrontational/-egoist.
Kung Chiu, he said that government was too immoral in a cult of statism ("legalism", as it was called then), to give the great heed to those wiser than you (elders, amongst others), to be truthful and unpretentious.
Lao Tzu, promoted doing nothing, seeing the flaws in life as art (flawed prettiness), taking in the easiness of life, and greatly emphasised the three boons of life: kindness, easiness, and humility.
Chuang Chou, very much promoted scepticism. Said "life is limited, knowledge to be gained is not.", and so noone will really know what they're talking about, and have different outlooks, and noone will be objective and true.
Matsuo Bashō, usually said to be the king of haiku poetry. Liked the easy things in life, travelled Japan modestly.
There Is no reason why I, a Lockist, is inferior to you because of my preferred philosopher. Nothing " Unlucky " about that.
Never said anyone was worse, but just Eurocentric (even your American hellraisers - they were born and lived most their life in Europe). You say you're very open to reading anything, which'd be great. The problem is, so many things are biased, especially when you're reading in this one tongue, that the British philosophers wrote. Wikipedia is biased about this kind of thing, it's not really fully your fault, but you must understand that China and India were civilised for far longer than Europe, and each having 1-3x the population at any given point in the past - the bulk of philosophers are from China and India. Then there are some from Europe, the Islamic world, and then smaller ones like Japan and Korea.
Edited 5/21/2016 20:32:29