Western ideals, I think it's pretty obvious I'm speaking of Philosophy that originated in the West.
I'm not against it, to be frank, I don't know much of it. There are many good philosophers and bad ones in each of Earth's sites.
Last time I checked, John Locke wasn't American...you should have payed more attention
Why would a dead fellow's nationality change? Anyhow, seems you're only bringing up philosophy, which I don't care much for. My point there was not that European and American philosophers sucked, but that there was clearly some Eurocentrism and Americentrism.
*2/4 your philosophers are American (T. Jefferson and T. Paine)
*2/4 Benjamin's philosophers are American.
*1/4 Tchaikovsky's philosophers are American.
*The only folk who put down American philosophers were Americans.
*21/24 (7/8) philosophers listed by everyone were either American or European.
*7/8 philosophers from 1/7 (historically even less than 1/7) the world.
*The only Asian philosopher listed was Kung Chiu.
*Everyone commenting was either American or European.
I think it's a safe endsay that I was right.
your in a phase that causes arrogance that will pass
Just to clear the air, I have extensive knowledge of European and North American politicsI may be arrogant sometimes, but generally try not to be. I don't say things like "I have extensive knowledge of something". Studying useless things "extensively" is a timewaste, anyway.