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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-08-16 06:57:28

Level 55
It helps if I tell you that this anomaly is for Buns too? :P

The reason is that you (and Buns) won an event, what means no defeat from that event (so you join to 9 events, you won 1 of them, and out 1 of them (that isn't ended yet btw), so you are in 7 tourneys now)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-08-16 07:22:03

Level 62
What about the Mifran anomaly? He's lost 3 but is in 5/7 for tournaments?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-08-16 11:15:06

{rp} GeneralGror
Level 58
look at the formatting guide - code
for neater tables ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-08-16 16:28:02

Level 55
That is only a mistake, I will correct it in the next update.

Could you please give me more details what you mean? :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-08-23 04:52:12

Level 55
Weekly Tour News - Week 33th

68 games finished last week on the Tour (until the last (Monday morning) update of the google docs)
The most active players was MoD, finished 10 games (with 7-3 record) so he caught up with the others within a very short time after his long holiday, nice job! The other top players were also very active (Buns 5-0, Krzysztof 2-3), the fight for the first position was very intensive.

  • AWP World Tour - 250 Series - France LD
    • 73% progress (11/15 games)
    • 2 games finished
      MoD defeated KKND in the quarterfinal then booted against Krzysztof in turn 2 in the semifinal.
      So Krzysztof is in his first final, congrats to him! Btw, that final won't be soon, because Thanatos' game in the first round is still ongoing :O
    • 1 game is in progress:
      • ANT vs. Thanatos D. Ven (R16)

  • AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Treasure Map
    • 87% progress (13/15 games)
    • 2 games finished
      MoD defeated awesomusername and Boubou, and reached his second semifinal fight againts Krzysztof.
    • 1 game is in progress:
      • MoD vs. Krzysztof (SF)

  • AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Strategic Greece
    • 84% progress (26/31 games)
    • 4 games finished
      rakleader defeated Panagiotis and reached his first semifinal, congrats!
      Buns won the big derby against MoD, then almost done the impossible mission too :D He defeated Beren and Krzysztof, and now he is playing againts MIFRAN in the semifinal WOW! Very nice performance in the bracket of the hell :D
    • 2 games are in progress:
      • Oh vs Nackikcwind (R16)
      • MIFRAN vs Buns (SF)

  • AWP World Tour - 250 Series - French Brawl
    • 84% progress (26/31 games)
    • 1 game finised
      culpa defeated Semicedevine and reached his first semifinal, congrats!
    • 2 games are in progress:
      • Beren vs KKND (R16)
      • USA Biches vs. Panagiotis (SF)

  • AWP World Tour - Grand Slam - Old 1v1 ladder
    • 66% progress (84/127 games)
    • 11 games finished
      • Milly defeated Turkish and reached the first Grand Slam quarterfinal ever, congratulations! It means a nice points boost too for him :D
      • Buns and MoD won their next game (against dry-clean-only and Benjamin), and reached the next round (R32 for Buns and R64 for MoD), but Krzysztof fell out in R32 (beaten by Turkish)
      • Dr. Love surprisingly (at least for me :) ) defeated GreenTea, and advanced to R16.
      • almosttricky won the WG home derby againts smileyleg, his opponent in R64 is Pedro Luiz.
      • Wini defeated Master Farah, Beren defeated MarkusBM, Andersault defeated Rodolfo and iNsAnE defeated Chromeo in R128, Ko defeated Great Expanse in R64
      • Already many upsets happened, so I still hope that Ox will carry on to follow up his predictions here :D

  • AWP World Tour - 250 Series - RAD-O§IL
    • 77% progress (24/31 games)
    • 2 games finished
      MoD defeated ANT, wakanarai defeated Muten Röshi (booted)
    • 2 games are in progress:
      • MoD vs dry-clean-only (R16)
      • Hunta vs. wakanarai (R16)

  • AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - Treasure Map
    • 62% progress (39/63 games)
    • 8 games finished
      • Jackie Treehorn defeated MarkusBM and ANT (in a 32 turns game) and reached first quarterfinal in a Masters major event ever, congrats!
      • in the bracket of hell, Tulan surprisingly (for me :P ) defeated MoD (it could hurt his race for the first rank), but then lost to FlyingBender (who defeated linberson in the first round and meet Oh Noes in R16)
      • DemHunt defeated Tac(ky)tical, pip defeated Baer and Milly defeated Robert E Lee in R32 (who defeated Gyver in R64)

  • AWP World Tour - 250 Series - ME-Limited Full Dist
    • 51% progress (32/63 games)
    • 22 games finished
      • Semicedevine already in the quarterfinal (defeated zarathoustra in R16), congrats for his first one!
      • MoD and Panagiotis are already in R16.
      • MIFRAN fell out very fast after he realized the settings :D
      • Btw, nice pairings, hard battles (as in all Tour event :D)

  • AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Legi's Black Sea
    • 25% progress (16/63 games)
    • 3 new players (PJ017, Sebus Maximus, Wazz) joined to the Tour, welcome!
    • Still two players, ANT and Don [ Ω ] joined to all Tour event (11) so far!
      I won't invite them next time just to break this :D Just joking :P
    • 16 games already finished
      • MIFRAN won the derby againts FlyingBender in the qualification round.
      • Uki defeated Timinator in the first round! :O

  • AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Macro Land
    The twelfth event was created, and the TOP30+10 Wild Carded players were invited.
    All other players will be invited at 06:00 CET on Wednesday, so stay tunned :)
    You can find the event topic here:

  • The present TOP10 on the Tour:
      Rank	Players			    Total points       Win-Loss	Tourney still in/all
      1	master of desaster		790		14-4		5/10
      2	Buns157				670		14-2		5/8
      3	Krzysztof			610		14-5		4/9
      4	MIFRAN				575		14-3		5/8
      5	Milly				515		9-4		3/7
      6	PanagiotisTheGreekFreak		390		13-5		4/9
      7	rakleader			340		9-5		4/9
      8	FlyingBender			320		7-2		3/5
      	13CHRIS37			320		8-5		4/9
      10	fireice82			300		4-4		0/4
    • The first big point from major events has been arrived!
      Milly reached the first Grand Slam quarterfinal, gaining 360 points and he is already in 5th position (btw he is still in the other major event too (R16), so his position now is very good for further improving his position!).
    • MoD played like hell, and fortified his leading position, although Buns did too a nice 5-0 series, and reached the second position. Krzysztof gained upon MIFRAN too who finished only 1 game (win) last week.
    • rakleader new in the TOP10, congrats! :)
    • And what about the raising stars division? :D
      • 17th Turkish 4-1
        did 2-1 record, and reached R16 in the first Grand Slam for 180 points.
      • 18th DR. Love 4-2
        same than Turkish (2-1 record and reached R16 for 180 points) but he is still in the Grand Slam
      • 23th USA Biches 5-0
        1-0 weekly record
      • 24th Nackickwind 4-0
        no finished game
      • 24th Semicedevine 6-2
        2-1 weekly record
      • 32th Jefferspin 5-2
        2-0 weekly record
      • and so on :D
    • You can find here the full Ranking List:

  • Check the September templates here:
    and if you have any remarks/proposals, write

  • And help find the 12 major templates if you haven't already:
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-08-23 11:43:08

master of desaster 
Level 66
Great updates! Great league! Thanks for your effort
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-08-23 12:54:38

Level 60
First of all thanks a lot for this great league, second ekstone even for me was a surprise i never expected to reach so far in the grand slam cause overall i failed but what i saw from this tournament is that for sure i am not ready to compete in such competitions but maybe in the future if i train in more maps i will be ready. I am a mediocre player but i will always at list try:P.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-08-25 04:04:07

Level 55
You are welcome! :)
Btw, it is a big fun for me too, I am still enjoying this all organizational work :)

Only problem that I have a huge workload in my office recently, so I have much less time during the working hours for Warlight, and because the Family time is inviolable, remained these morning times for Warlight, not too much :(

This leads to an update which is not enough up-to-date lol (my last one) :D

@DR. Love
You are late, I already labeled you as a raising star, so please reach a Grand Slam semifinal at least :D
Timinator, Timon or culpa, you easy eat any of them as a light breakfast :D

Consider the example of Panagiotis, I have never heard his name before the Tour, and now he is a stable TOP10 players :O Even never heard any good greek players before, but now I can easy labbel them a raising star :D Go for it Greeks! :D

Edited 8/25/2016 04:11:48
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-08-30 09:47:03

Level 55
Weekly Tour News - Week 34th

51 games finished last week on the Tour.
The most active player was MoD (5-2) again, followed by MIFRAN (4-0) and CHRIS (2-2).

  • 3. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - France LD
    • 73% progress (11/15 games)
    • No games finished
    • 1 game is in progress:
      • ANT vs. Thanatos D. Ven (R16)

  • 5. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Strategic Greece
    • 87% progress (27/31 games)
    • 1 game finished
      Buns failed in the last step doing the impossible mission, MIFRAN defeated him in the semifinal, and reach his second final, congrats!
    • 1 game is in progress:
      • Oh vs Nackikcwind (R16)

  • 6. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - French Brawl
    • 90% progress (28/31 games)
    • 2 games finised
      Panagiotis defeated USA Biches and reach his first final, congrats!
      Beren defeated KKND, and his opponent in the quarterfinal is Nackickwind.
    • 1 game is in progress:
      • Beren vs Nackickwind (QF)

  • 7. AWP World Tour - Grand Slam - Old 1v1 ladder
    • 75% progress (95/127 games)
    • 11 games finished
      • Njord defeated [HL]Ko (booted) and tommy15 and reached the second Grand Slam quarterfinal slot, getting the point boost too, congrats!
      • Kantos defeated Min34 (who defeated INSIDE in R128) and [NL]surfpizza (who defeated USA Biches in R64!) and his opponent in R16 is 13CHRIS37 (who defeated iNsAnE in R32 (iNsAnE defeated elbee in R64)) for the quarterfinal, LOL so many games in this part of the bracket.
      • Nackickwind defeated CONQUISTADORS, his next opponent in R32 is Sułtan Kosmitów, Rob defeated Wini in R64 and le Marseillais defeated GeneralGror in R128.
      • Still waiting for an update here :P

  • 8. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - RAD-O§IL
    • 87% progress (27/31 games)
    • 3 games finished
      MoD did a nice run in this tourney, and reached the final, defeated dry-clean-only, Wini and Hades, congrats!
    • 1 game is in progress:
      • Hunta vs. wakanarai (R16)

  • 9. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - Treasure Map
    • 68% progress (43/63 games)
    • 4 games finished
      • FlyingBender defeated Oh Noes and won a very hard part of the bracket, and reached the quarterfinal, congrats!
      • DemHunt defeated CHRIS (who defeated Pedro Luiz in R32) and reached the quarterfinal, congrats!
      • PhucilliJerry defeated Don, his opponent in R16 is Panagiotis

  • 10. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - ME-Limited Full Dist
    • 60% progress (38/63 games)
    • 6 games finished
      • Pushover defeated CHRIS in Q2, his opponent in R16 is FlyingBender (who defeated Treehorn in Q2).
      • Still many qualification games here

  • 11. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Legi's Black Sea
    • 49% progress (31/63 games)
    • 15 games finished
      • MIFRAN defeated rakleader and ThePlayer and reached the quarterfinal where his opponent is Hunta who defeated ANT and Muli.
      • Many qualification games here too

  • 12. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Macro Land
    • No new players joined to the Tour (likely because I forgot to invite 150+ players on Wednesday :( )
    • Still two players, ANT and Don [ Ω ] joined to all Tour event (12) so far!
    • 7 games already finished

  • 13. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - 2v2 Ladder W/ ALTS!
    The thirteenth event was created, and the TOP30 and Wild Carded players were invited.
    All other players will be invited at 20:00 CET on Wednesday
    You can find the event topic here:

  • The present TOP10 on the Tour:
      Rank	Player			    Total points       Win-Loss	Tourney still in/all
      1	master of desaster		990		19-6		4/11
      2	MIFRAN				875		18-3		5/9
      3	Buns157				670		14-3		5/9
      4	Krzysztof			615		15-6		4/10
      5	Milly				550		10-4		4/8
      6	13CHRIS37			455		10-7		2/9
      7	PanagiotisTheGreekFreak		450		14-5		5/10
      8	FlyingBender			415		9-2		4/6
      9	Njord				365		5-4		2/6
      10	rakleader			340		9-6		4/10
    • MoD held number one position for 3 consecutive weeks, he broke the earlier record which was 2 consecutive weeks and hold by him also :) Congrats!
    • MIFRAN did a very nice 4-0 record last week, he defeated 3 TOP10 players (MoD, Buns, rakleader)! Very impressive performance, congrats!
      He reached the second position with a nice point advantage over the third place (but still 100+ points need for the first place)
    • Njord reached the second quarterfinal position in the Grand Slam, which flew him into the TOP10, congrats!
    • And what about outside the TOP10?
      • There are 10 undefeated players on the Tour
        Nackickwind (5-0), Kantos (3-0) Sultan, Reza, almosttricky, Ze (2-0), EZPickens, Andersault, le Marseillais, Wazz (1-0)
        Unfortunately most of them only play in the old 1vs1 Grand Slam event :(
      • Not perfect, but still nice records:
        Hades (7-3), Semicedevine (6-2), DR. Love, USA Biches, Jefferspin (5-2), Pedro Luiz, Rob (3-1)
      • You can find here the full Ranking List:

  • Help find the 12 major templates:
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-09-07 15:11:58

Level 55
Eh, I am writing the update about the Monday morning state on Wednesday... it will be not very up-to-date :|
The problem is that I have to work a lot in my office recently (what an outrage :D )
But this is not ok (no sense writing not up-to-date update LOL), so despite my freetime issue I will try to write the weekly news on Monday in the future (Tour > Job :D )

Weekly Tour News - Week 35th
  • 54 games finished last week on the Tour.
    The most active player was Buns (5-0), followed by Panagiotis (4-0), MIFRAN (2-2), Pushover (1-3) and Oh (0-4). And very surprising but MoD didn't have any finished games from last week :O :D

  • The present TOP10 on the Tour:
    Rank	Players		    Total points       Win-Loss	Tourney still in/all
    1	master of desaster	990		19-6		5/12
    2	Buns157			905		19-3		5/9
    3	MIFRAN			885		20-5		4/10
    4	Krzysztof		620		16-7		4/11
    5	PanagiotisTheGreekFreak	575		18-5		6/11
    6	Milly			550		10-5		4/9
    7	FlyingBender		495		11-3		4/7
    8	13CHRIS37		455		10-8		2/10
    9	Njord			365		 5-5		2/7
    10	Kantos			360		 4-0		1/1
    	DemHunt(UA)		360		 4-5		2/7
    • MoD held number one position (without any finished game :O ) for 4 consecutive weeks already, congrats!
    • But Buns begun to accelerate, did an amazing 5-0 record last week (defeated Botanator, Pushover, MIFRAN, almosttricky, FlyingBender!) And what is more important, that 3 of his 5 wins happened in the two major events! He is still in and doing deep run in both major events, and his next major event game win will mean +180 points for him, and the really huge major points are very close to him already. While MoD already out from the Masters (with an unlucky defeat), and only in the second round in the Grand Slam. So Buns is a better position currently, but there will be 10 more major events so it is nothing for the future :D
    • Panagiotis did a very nice 4-0 run too in the last week, and regain the 5th position. He won 3 games in the Macro Land 250 Series event, and he is already in the quarterfinal, and win one game in the Masters event too, and reached the quarterfinal here too. Btw with this one win he gained +90 points, while with his other 3 wins gained only +45 points! It is well illustrated the point difference between the majors and the other events!
    • MIFRAN did a solid 2-2 record, but his 2 defeats are painful, because he lost against Buns for the Masters quarterfinal, and lost against Hunta for a 500 Series semifinal (both mean many not obtained points).
    • FlyingBender continues the slow climb (10-9-8 were his positions in the previous weeks :D ) And he is still in both major events, so he has got good progress options (he is already in the quarterfinal in the Masters, and second round on the Grand Slam).
    • We have two new players in the TOP10, welcome!
      Both of them gained huge points from major events, Kantos is in the quarterfinal in the Grand Slam, DemHunt is already in the semifinal in the Masters. This is well illustrated too, how important these major events.
      Ok, after 1 year results a Grand Slam quarterfinal (or even a final) won't worth a TOP10 but still will be important.

  • And what about outside the TOP10?
    • There are 8 undefeated players on the Tour:
      Kantos (4-0), Sultan, Reza, le Marseillais, Wazz, Ze, ViralGoat (2-0), EZPickens (1-0)
    • Not perfect, but still nice (at least +3) records:
      Semicedevine (7-2), rakleader (10-6), Jefferspin (7-3), Nackickwind (6-2), DR. Love, USA Biches (6-3), [NL]surfpizza (5-2), almosttricky (4-1)
    • We can see here a few pretenders not only for the TOP10 but number one positions too!
      And they are not very bad position against the present TOP10, because they only have to win some major events and the point difference will disappear very quickly :D And a new major event (Masters) just start in this week!
    • You can find here the full Ranking List:

  • Match of the week
    Buns vs. MIFRAN 1-0 (Masters 1000 - Treasure Map)
    I chosen this because it was an important fight for the number one position.
    But you can post here interesting fights too!

  • Player of the week
    Buns (see above why :D )
    But I would like to mention some more players.
    Hunta defeated MIFRAN in the 500 Series - Legi's Black Sea event and reach the semifinal, congrats!
    Seems last week was Hunter week (DemHunt run well too :D ) And interesting but both players do his best in only one tourney, though very best on that one :D
    ViralGoat did a nice intro to the Tour, on the 250 Series - ME-Limited Full Dist event he defeated Nackickwind and Jefferspin (!) in the first two rounds, making a 2-0 records, congrats!

  • Some further statistics from the Tour:
    • Only 4 players who still are in both running major events:
      Buns, Milly, FlyingBender, pip
    • 2 players who are joined to all (13) Tour events:
      ANT and Don [ Ω ]
    • 152 players joined to the Tour so far.
      112 players joined to 2 or more events, 40 players joined only to 1 event.
      Here are the full list:
      • joined to 12 events - MoD, culpa
      • joined to 11 events - Krzysztof, Panagiotis, rakleader, Wini
      • joined to 10 events - MIFRAN, CHRIS, Botanator
      • joined to 9 events - Buns, Milly, Muli, KKND
      • joined to 8 events - Hunta, linberson, Uki
      • joined to 7 events - 12 players
      • joined to 6 events - 9 players
      • joined to 5 events - 9 players
      • joined to 4 events - 16 players
      • joined to 3 events - 24 players
      • joined to 2 events - 24 players
      • joined to 1 event only - 40 players
    • Most positions moved up players in the Rankings in last week:
      • 31 positions - ACL Tears
      • 30 positions - SeruM
      • 22 positions - almosttricky, Wazz
      • 19 positions - Pushover
      • 17 positions - le Marseillais
      • 11 positions - Kantos, DemHunt, Oh Noes

  • Events informations:

  • Help find the 12 major templates:

Edited 9/11/2016 20:11:12
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-09-13 08:56:33

Level 55
Weekly Tour News - Week 36th
  • 42 games finished last week on the Tour.
    The world order was restored, and the most active player was MoD (5-1) again :), followed by FlyingBender (3-1).

  • The present TOP10 on the Tour:
    Rank	Players			    Total points       Win-Loss		Tourney still in/all
    1	master of desaster		1115		24-7			4/12
    2	MIFRAN				975		21-6			3/10
    3	Milly				920		12-5			4/9
    4	Buns157				905		19-4			4/9
    5	FlyingBender			775		14-4			3/7
    6	Krzysztof			620		16-8			3/11
    7	PanagiotisTheGreekFreak		610		19-6			5/11
    8	13CHRIS37			455		10-8			2/10
    9	Njord				365		5-6			1/7
    10	Kantos				360		4-0			1/1
    	Sułtan Kosmitów 		360		4-0			2/2
    	DemHunt(UA)			360		4-6			1/7
    • MoD held number one position for 5 consecutive weeks already and he is the first player over 1000 points, congratulations! And he did again a very nice records (5-1) last week, and he was able to increase his lead.
      So everything seems perfect for him. On the surface, because the situation is not so simple.

      Let me show how the Tour ranking system works, comparing MoD's and Kantos' (or Sułtan Kosmitów's) present ranking situations/possibilities.
      • Currently, MoD has got the best Win-Loss records (+17 (24-7)) on the Tour, he has got the most finals (3 finals, 2 semifinals, 2 quarterfinals so far), etc.
        In short, his performance on the Tour is amazing so far. But :D
        Because he has got very good results from 500 and 250 Series events already, very difficult to him to increase his points in this (best six) section!
        For example his 2 victories last week on the alt team event, meant plus one quarterfinal to him, but no any points! And his next 250 Series semifinal still will count (+45 points), but after that he can gain points from a 250 Series event only if he reach minimum the final! :O And the situation is neither much better regarding the 500 Series event (minimum semifinals need). And after a time (reaching more tourney final and win) only the 500 Series tourney wins (for 500 points) will count for him!
        In the other hand, he already (unlucky) fell out from both major events, gained only 90 points of the maximum 3000! So his 2 wins and the quarterfinal meant 0 points, but his only one defeat in the Grand Slam meant -1910 obtainable points!
      • While Kantos only play in one event so far on the Tour, in the first Grand Slam, and played only 4 games compared with MoD's 31 games! But if he will be able to win his next 3 games in that tourney, he most likely will get the number one position with that 2000 points! Plus he has got good possibilities in the smaller events too, if he join to any 500 or 250 Series event, all game win will mean immediately plus points for him.
      I don't want to say with this that MoD has no chance (it would be silly, because I speak about only 2 of the 12 major events, he can easy win any of the following 3 Grand Slams or 7 Masters (and next summer these two events too)). I only want to show you how the Ranking system works, how important the major events. And want to show to the newcomers that have not missed out on anything.
      If I would start to play on the Tour (with my limited time), my schedule would be the following:
      • I would play all the 12 major events regardless of the templates
      • I would play all the 500 Series events where I don't hate the templates a lot (it means maximum 12 events per year too)
      • I would play only on that 250 Series events where used my favourite or very interesting templates (and depends on my game count from above two categories)

      Ok, now back to the TOP10 :)
    • Milly continued to write his story, and defeated FlyingBender in the Grand Slam quarterfinal, reaching the first GS semifinal position on the Tour, gained the big 720 points award too, congrats!
      Maybe you think this is only a lucky result, but at the beginning of August his Tour record was 2-4, so he did a 10-1 series in August and September (defeated, among others, Turkish (twice), FlyingBender, rakleader)!
    • MIFRAN did a 1-1 records, but his win against MoD in the Grand Slam was very important (especially after his last week defeat against Buns on the Masters), not only because the gained 90 points (which gave him the second position again), but he eliminated one of his rival in a major (it is always a big advantage).
    • Buns' finished only one game, a painful defeat against Sultan in the Grand Slam R16.
    • FlyingBender is already in the fifth position, made a nice 3-1 records, but after 2 great Grand Slam wins he lost to Milly in the quarterfinal.
    • We have a new players in the TOP10, welcome!
      Sułtan Kosmitów reached the Grand Slam quarterfinal, and he has got a nice 4-0 records just like Kantos has. They are both in great position, and imo their ranks will be even more better in the future :)

  • And what about outside the TOP10?
    • Left only 6 undefeated players on the Tour:
      Kantos, Sultan (4-0), Wazz, Ze (2-0), EZPickens, #Master [QB] (1-0) (what a nice list :D )
    • Not perfect, but still nice (at least +3) records:
      rakleader (11-6), Jefferspin, Nackickwind, Semicedevine (7-3), [NL]surfpizza (6-2), almosttricky (5-1), Hades (8-5), USA Biches, Pedro Luiz (6-3),
    • You can find here the full Ranking List:

  • Match of the week
    Milly vs. FlyingBender 1-0 (QF - Grand Slam - Old 1v1 ladder)
    But there were more interesting matches last week:
    MIFRAN vs. MOD 1-0 (R32 - Grand Slam - Old 1v1 ladder)
    Sultan vs. Nackickwind 1-0 (R32 - Grand Slam - Old 1v1 ladder)
    Sultan vs. Buns 1-0 (R16 - Grand Slam - Old 1v1 ladder)
    Beren vs. culpa 1-0 (SF - 250 Series - French Brawl)

  • Player of the week

  • Some further statistics from the Tour:
    • Only 2 players left who still are in both running major events:
      Milly and pip
    • Most positions moved up players in the Rankings in last week:
      • 39 positions - Sułtan Kosmitów
      • 33 positions - wakanarai
      • 32 positions - #Master [QB]
      • 24 positions - SeruM
      • 13 positions - Swisster
      • 12 positions - Vicnus
      • 10 positions - Timinator

  • Events informations:

  • Help find the 12 major templates:
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-09-13 12:07:57

master of desaster 
Level 66
Thank you once more for the cool update! I see i'll have to do better on big events and there are still more than enough from those!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-09-13 13:28:10

Level 63
-Most positions moved up players in the Rankings in last week:
1st: 39 positions - Sułtan Kosmitów

-10 Kantos 360 4-0 1/1
Sułtan Kosmitów 360 4-0 2/2

-We have a new players in the TOP10, welcome!
Sułtan Kosmitów reached the Grand Slam quarterfinal, and he has got a nice 4-0 record

-there were more interesting matches last week:
MIFRAN vs. MOD 1-0 (R32 - Grand Slam - Old 1v1 ladder)
Sultan vs. Nackickwind 1-0 (R32 - Grand Slam - Old 1v1 ladder)
Sultan vs. Buns 1-0 (R16 - Grand Slam - Old 1v1 ladder)

Player of the week

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-09-14 09:00:38

Level 55
yw once more :)
And yes, your position is not hopeless (LOL you hold almost all the present records :D ) but play with more focus on the majors :P
there are still more than enough from those!
Well, you are right, unlimited majors will be in the future, I hope you know that the Tour is an endless series just like the Ladders :P

First of all I am very happy that there is at least one people who read through my TLDR weekly news :D :D

Second, your arguments (actually mine, quoted :D ) are very strongs, but I must tell that these "Player of the week" and "Match of the week" categories are very subjective things, based on only my feelings :D

Sultan performance was amazing indeed, but he wasn't the first :) I mean, Kantos already did it before him :D
And I was very impressed when I saw that Milly defeated FlyingBender and reached the Grand Slam semifinal (and he was the first who did this btw :D ) and his story is still going on. And as I wrote, it seems that this is not only an upset, an one time result (maybe I will be wrong, but that recently 10-1 records doesn't seem an accident :P)

And these "X of the week" categories are nothing serious only for more fun (for me :D :P )

Edited 9/14/2016 09:02:05
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-09-20 04:40:24

Level 55
Weekly Tour News - Week 37th
  • 99 games finished last week on the Tour!
    The most active player was Pedro Luiz (3-2), followed by Don [ Ω ] (4-0), Maréchal Lannes, duc de Montebello (3-1), Uki (2-2), Milly (2-2), rakleader (2-2), Swisster (2-2), Botanator (2-2) and linberson (2-2).

  • The TOP10 on the Tour after the week 37th:
    Rank	Players				Total points	Win-Loss	Tourney still in/all
    1	master of desaster		1,160		27-7		6/14
    2	Milly				1,020		14-7		4/11
    3	MIFRAN				985		22-7		4/12
    4	FlyingBender			955		15-6		3/9
    5	Buns157				940		20-6		4/11
    6	Krzysztof			620		17-10		3/13
    7	PanagiotisTheGreekFreak		610		21-7		6/13
    8	13CHRIS37			455		10-9		3/12
    9	Sułtan Kosmitów			380		6-0		3/3
    10	DemHunt(UA)			370		5-7		2/9
    • MoD held number one position for 6 consecutive weeks already, congratulations!
      He did a nice 3-0 records last week, which allows him to keep the points difference against the 2nd position.
    • Milly is already in the second position, with a 2-2 last week record. He reached his second major quarterfinal but then FlyingBender defeated him for the semifinal as a riposte his Grand Slam defeat (so now 1-1 :D). He did a nice first round win against Phaeril in the 3rd major event and won the opportunity to meet MIFRAN in the second round :D (that is a tough part of the bracket :O )
    • FlyingBender continues to climb, and he is already in the fourth position. His last week record only 1-2, but his only (riposte) win against Milly meant a major semifinal!
    • Panagiotis did a 2-1 records, but his only defeat (boot in the distribution phase) in the French Brawl event's final meant that he didn't obtain a tourney win after his many semi- and quarterfinals :(
    • Sułtan Kosmitów won his next two games too in the last week, so his present record is an impressive 6-0 (Nackickwind was who started similar, but he did it in smaller events)
    • Interesting, but already 5 of the TOP10 players fell out from the second Masters event :O
      And if we add to this that many more not (yet) TOP10 but good players fell out too, well will be top players phobia on Phobia? :D

  • And what about outside of the TOP10?
    • There are 9 undefeated players on the Tour:
      Sultan (6-0!), EZPickens, dreuj (2-0), Quicksilver, Seph's Sausage, The Drunken Master MB, Doron Hoh, Serjtz, bruce200 (1-0)
    • Not perfect, but still nice (at least +3) records:
      rakleader (13-8), almosttricky (6-1), Pedro Luiz (9-5), Nackickwind, Jefferspin (8-4), [NL]surfpizza (7-3), Wini (12-9), Beren (9-6), Hades (8-5), Kantos (4-1)
    • You can find here the full Ranking List:

  • Match of the week
    FlyingBender vs Milly 1-0 (QF - Masters 1000 - Treasure Map)
    FB won the rematch (last week he lost to Milly in Grand Slam quarterfinal)

    More highlighted games from last week:
    • Beren vs Panagiotis 1-0 (F - 250 Series - French Brawl)
      Despite Panagiotis distribution boot, Beren well deserve this tourney win, congrats!
    • Timinator vs timon92 0-1 (R64 - Grand Slam - Old 1v1 ladder)
      Timon won the Tim vs Tim battle :)
      And as I know, recently, in many series this result is the standard :O :P
      I hope that Timon's busy days soon over and will come and try to conquer the Tour :D
      And hope that Timi will show us soon a real Timinator performance on the Tour :P
    • Thanatos D. Ven vs ANT 1-0 (R16 - 250 Series - France LD)
      It was a really long game from the first round of the third event :O
    • Krzysztof vs Botanator 0-1 (R16 - 250 Series - Macro Land)
      Recently Krzysztof's Tour performance is not really cool :(
      But congrats Botanator for his second quarterfinal!
    • USA Biches vs Master Jz 0-1 (R32 - 250 Series - Macro Land)
      Nice pairing in the second round.
    • Beren vs Ze 1-0 (R128 - Masters 1000 - Strategic Phobia)
      JV vs Wazz 1-0 (R128 - Masters 1000 - Strategic Phobia)
      Milly vs Phaeril 1-0 (R128 - Masters 1000 - Strategic Phobia)
      All the French elite commandos fell out in the first turn of the second Masters :O (they all have unlucky first round pairings altough)
    • Krzysztof vs MIFRAN 1-0 (R64 - 250 Series - MME with more cards!)
    • MoD vs FlyingBender 1-0 (R64 - 250 Series - MME with more cards!)

  • Player of the week
    Sułtan Kosmitów

    More highlighted players from last week:
    • Beren - Congrats to his first tourney win!
    • Don [ Ω ] - Made a very nice 4-0 records last week.
    • Muli - Did a flawless 3-0 record too in the last week.
    • Timon - Two nice Grand Slam wins, he is already in R16.
    • Uki - Continued his raising in the Rankings
    • dreuj - I hope his 2-0 intro is a start of a magnificent Tour journey ;)
    • PJ017 - He continued to climb the Rankings, and reached his first quarterfinal

  • Some further statistics from the Tour:
    • Most positions (10+) moved up players in the Rankings in last week:
      • 45 positions - timon92 78-33
      • 27 positions - awesomeusername 78-51
      • 26 positions - dreuj 111-85, rocky1 111-85, Thanatos D. Ven 111-85
      • 20 positions - EZPickens 78-58, Wazz 78-58
      • 19 positions - Maréchal Lannes, duc de Montebello 70-51
      • 16 positions - PJ017 101-85
      • 15 positions - Pedro Luiz 42-27
    • 189 players joined to the Tour so far.
      • 2 players who participated in all (15) Tour events up to now:
        ANT and Don [ Ω ]
      • joined to 14 events - MoD, culpa
      • joined to 13 events - Krzysztof, Panagiotis, rakleader, Wini
      • joined to 12 events - MIFRAN, CHRIS, Botanator
      • joined to 11 events - Buns, Milly, Muli
      • joined to 10 events - KKND, Hunta, Uki
      • joined to 9 events - 8 players
      • joined to 8 events - 7 players
      • joined to 7 events - 10 players
      • joined to 6 events - 11 players
      • joined to 5 events - 14 players
      • joined to 4 events - 17 players
      • joined to 3 events - 20 players
      • joined to 2 events - 28 players
      • joined to 1 event only - 57 players
    • 15 Tour events started so far
    • 4 of the 15 were already finished, every event won by different players up to now:
      Buns, MoD, MIFRAN, Beren.
    • Players with most (3+) finals:
      • 7 - MoD (1W, 2F, 2SF, 2QF)
      • 6 - Panagiotis (1F, 1SF, 4QF)
      • 5 - Buns (1W, 2SF, 2QF)
      • 4 - MIFRAN (1W, 1F, 2QF), FlyingBender (2SF, 2QF), Krzysztof (1F, 1SF, 2QF)
    • 564 games played on the Tour so far.
    • Players with most (10+) win (win%):
      • 27 - MoD (79%)
      • 22 - MIFRAN (76%)
      • 21 - Panagiotis (75%)
      • 20 - Buns (77%)
      • 17 - Krzysztof (63%)
      • 15 - FlyingBender (71%)
      • 14 - Milly (67%)
      • 13 - rakleader (62%)
      • 12 - Wini (57%)
      • 11 - Don (48%)
      • 10 - 13CHRIS37 (53%), ANT (43%)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-09-20 04:42:06

Level 55
Weekly Tour News - Week 36th - part 2
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-09-27 08:08:48

Level 55
Weekly Tour News - Week 38th
  • 83 games finished last week on the Tour (647 finished games so far)
    The most active player was rakleader (2-4), followed by Wini (5-0), MIFRAN (4-1) and ANT (4-1).
  • 3 new players (andy903, indibob and edou) joined to us last week, welcome on the Tour!
    192 players were involved so far.
  • The 500 Series - Strategic Greece Tour event finished
    Congrats to MIFRAN, this was his second tournament win!
  • The 17th Tour event started

  • The TOP10 on the Tour after the week 38th:
    Rank	Players			Total points	Win-Loss	Tourney still in/all
    1	MIFRAN			1,255		26-8		3/13
    2	master of desaster	1,160		28-9		5/15
    3	Milly			1,025		15-8		3/11
    4	Buns157			990		22-6		5/12
    5	FlyingBender		955		15-7		3/10
    6	PanagiotisTheGreekFreak	620		22-10		5/14
    	Krzysztof		620		18-10		3/13
    8	rakleader		485		15-12		2/14
    9	Wini			470		17-9		5/14
    10	Sułtan Kosmitów 	460		8-0		3/3
    • MIFRAN toppled MoD from the throne, and broke his consecutive weeks in number one position series. Anyway, this is MIFRAN's second week (not consecutive though) in the first position.
      Last week, he did a nice 4-1 record, and win his second tournament on the Tour!
    • Wini did a flawless 5-0 record last week, and back to the TOP10, congrats! He already reached the quarterfinal in the second Masters which gave him a point boost. Anyway, did you know that Wini is a real old school (star!) player?:
    • Sułtan Kosmitów won his next two games too (both were in the second Masters!) in the last week, so his present record is a very impressive 8-0, congrats! Whether how will it end? :D
    • Buns did a flawless 2-0 record too last week, defeated good players (FlyingBender and Nackickwind (who gallantly surrendered in their game)) but in 250 Series events, so not many points gained.
    • rakleader started bad last week (3 defeats), but in the end he did a final in the Greece 500 Series event, which bring him back into the TOP10.

  • And what about outside of the TOP10?
    • There are 12 undefeated players on the Tour:
      Sultan (8-0!), EZPickens, dreuj, Seph's Sausage (2-0), Quicksilver, The Drunken Master MB, Doron Hoh, Gulius Jäsar. ChrisCMU, Tjoex, Serjtz, Ryzys (1-0)
    • Not perfect, but still nice (at least +3) records:
      ACL Tears (7-2), PJ017, almosttricky (6-1), Pedro Luiz (10-6), Nox, [NL]surfpizza (8-4), Min34 (7-3), Jeff, Beren (9-6), DR. Love (8-5), Kantos (4-1)
    • You can find here the full Ranking List:

  • Player of the week
    It was close, but became number one (especially broke a nice series like MoD's) is the top :)

    More highlighted players from last week:
    • Wini - The 5-0 is 5-0 :)
    • Sułtan Kosmitów - Again a 2-0 week, already 8-0!
    • rakleader - Back to the TOP10
    • ACL Tears - 4-0 last week record, already 7-2.
    • Min34 - Did a very nice 4-0 too (7-3 all time record)!
    • PJ017 - Did a nice 3-0, already 6-1 all time record!
    • Nox - Did a flawless 3-0, and has got already a 8-4 record.
    • ANT - Did a nice 4-1 record, 3 wins in the second Masters!
    • Rodolfo - After his initial 0-3 record, he conjured a nice 3-0 record last week
      (explanation for not Hungarians: Rodolfo was a famous Hungarian illusionist :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hU9CAsbgAvQ )
    • DemHunt(UA), Nox - a flawless 3-0 record too
    • Scrooge McDuck - did a nice 3-1 last week

  • Most positions (10+) moved up players in the Rankings in last week:
    • 69 positions - Rodolfo 124-55
    • 32 positions - Min34 71-39
    • 29 positions - ACT Tears 80-51
    • 25 positions - ViralGoat 105-80
    • 24 positions - Nox 47-23
    • 18 positions - Seph's Sausage 109-91
    • 14 positions - ps 39-25
    • 11 positions - Scrooge McDuck 85-74, Gulius Jasar 124-113, ChrisCMU 124-113, Tjoex 124-113, King_Bradford 124-113, Xande38 124-113, Dom365 124-113
    • 10 positions - Wini 19-9, PJ017 85-75

  • Tour records:
    • The most tournament win
      • 2 - MIFRAN
      • 1 - Buns, MoD, Beren
    • Players with most finals:
      • 7 - MoD (1W, 2F, 2SF, 2QF)
      • 6 - Panagiotis (1F, 1SF, 4QF)
      • 5 - Buns (1W, 3SF, 1QF)
      • 4 - MIFRAN (2W, 2QF), FlyingBender (2SF, 2QF), Krzysztof (1F, 1SF, 2QF)
    • Players with most win (win%):
      • 28 - MoD (76%)
      • 26 - MIFRAN (76%)
      • 22 - Buns (79%)
      • 22 - Panagiotis (75%)
      • 18 - Krzysztof (64%)
      • 17 - Wini (65%)
      • 15 - FlyingBender (68%), Milly (65%), rakleader (56%)
    • The highest ranking points
      • 1255 - MIFRAN
      • 1160 - MoD
      • 1025 - Milly
    • The most event participation
      • joined to all 16 events so far - ANT and Don [ Ω ]
      • joined to 15 events - MoD, culpa
      • joined to 14 events - Panagiotis, rakleader, Wini
      • joined to 13 events - MIFRAN, 13CHRIS37, Krzysztof
      • joined to 12 events - Buns, Botanator
      • joined to 11 events - Milly, Muli, Hunta, Uki
      • joined to 10 events - 6 players
      • joined to 9 events - 7 players
      • joined to 8 events - 9 players
      • joined to 7 events - 8 players
      • joined to 6 events - 11 players
      • joined to 5 events - 17 players
      • joined to 4 events - 14 players
      • joined to 3 events - 20 players
      • joined to 2 events - 34 players
      • joined to 1 event only - 50 players
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-09-27 08:09:54

Level 55
Weekly Tour News - Week 38th - part 2
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-09-27 08:11:39

Level 55
Weekly Tour News - Week 38th - part 3

Two extraordinary news for the end.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2016-09-27 08:38:23

Level 63
Sultan still going strong :O
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