Sorry for the wait but I changed my PC and needed to install the SO and prepare all and I didn't have much time ^^U
Giantfrog (Blitz) defeated kram (stahl)
Giantfrog wins the tournament with an amazing 5-0 (will it be 6-0?)
metatron (VIW) defeated almosttricky (Sninja).
Farragut (Stahl) defeated jinxed (101) by boot.
PJ017 (ONE) defeated jinxed (101) by boot.
Berserk (REGL) defeated jinxed (101) by boot.
Almosttricky (Sninja) defeated jinxed (101) by boot.
That's a critical hit for 101.
Farragut finished with a 2-4 record.
memele (REGL) defeated jinxed (101) by boot.
PJ017 (ONE) defeated jinxed (101) by boot.
Linberson (Blitz) defeated jinxed (101) by boot.
PJ017 (ONE) defeated Linberson (Blitz).
Another critical hit for 101.
PJ017 and Linberson ended with a respectable 4-2 record and memele with a 5-1 wins the tournament (it's a bit odd claiming my own victory).
PJ017 (ONE) defeated rakleader (Sninja).
Sninja defeated Blitz
ONE defeated REGL
101 defeated Sninja
ONE defeated VIW
Blitz defeated ONE
VIW defeated REGL
Blitz defeated VIW
101 won 1 game (4 points) and lost 7 games (21 points) all by boot!! need to check this.
Blitz won 4 games (16 points) and lost 2 games (7 points).
Stahl won 1 game (3 points) and lost 1 (3 points).
ONE won 6 games (20 points) and lost 1 (5 points).
REGL won 2 games (6 points) ans lost 2 (9 points).
Sninja won 2 games (7 points) and lost 3 (10 points).
VIW won 2 games (8 points) and lost 2 (9 points).
Very good update for Blitz and specially ONE.
Classification (by points):
Clan points Max points Wins Losses Winrate
1º ONE 77 199 24 12 66.67%
2º VIW 66 195 21 13 61.76%
3º Blitz 59 209 17 10 62.96%
4º 101 50 198 15 14 51.72%
5º REGL 48 173 15 20 42.86%
6º SNinja 37 182 11 19 36.67%
7º Stahl 27 160 9 24 27.27%
Classification (max points):
Blitz, ONE, 101, VIW, SNinja, REGL, Stahl
Classification (win rate):
ONE, Blitz, VIW, 101, REGL, SNinja, Stahl
Edited 7/17/2016 20:45:14