I haven't had the time to read this thread this week, but looking at the voting options I was a little disappointed that something like this wasn't proposed:
Deploy 6 to Kangerlussuaq and 6 to Scott.
Attack Colombia with 19.
Attack Tasmania with 4.
Attack Nigeria with 6.
Transfer 2 to Kangerlussuaq.
Attack Qaanaaq with 7.
Blockade Scott (3=11).
I'm sure some of this has been covered (this is page 4 of the thread afterall), but I'm not going to look back. Read on, if you dare.
If Imp wants to continue to expend armies to fight in South America, that is fine by me. I am not willing to. There are too many defense points for it to be worth it (Central America and Antartica - yes you could blockade Siple; this does not even account for his potential progress in Africa). I don't want spend armies trying to secure a bonus that I will be desperately trying to defend every turn. We have enough of an army advantage already that he will be forced to place armies in the bonus to defend it.
Taking Greenland this turn with 7 is a no-brainer to me - we need the income, badly. The ability to slowly expand into Canada (away from any threat) is also a huge plus here.
Attacking into Colombia with 19 ensures that if he doesn't go first or spend ALL his armies in Colombia, we will probably take the territory. If he spends all his armies there, it means they aren't going for additional income, which I am happy for especially since we'll get a positive gain on the attack unless he slides his armies from Venezuela over first move.
Moving into Australia isn't a must for me, but I like it. It's a solid bonus, or another unexpected access point to India (if we can take Tasmania before he takes South Pole). Yes, there is a Warlord (4) in Malaysia, but that's not a big deal to me. Blockading Scott with only 3 to leave 11 is plenty for my tastes and enough of a deterrent that I highly doubt Impaller will knock it down because a) I'm guessing he sends 7-8 armies back into Africa this turn to work on the South Africa bonus and b) we would still border the bonus from Argentina, and who wants to spend extra armies for a bonus you're going to have to worry about defending every turn? I'd want to obviously get to Western Australia to check on the Indonesia bonus before expending armies to take the entire bonus. Yes, that would mean concurrent slow creeping in two large bonuses (Australia and Canada).
I'd like to get into Africa to a) make sure he doesn't get the West Africa bonus and b) get closer to his East Africa bonus. 6 should be sufficient in case he attacks Nigeria before/after us. This also leaves a few to protect Brazil, not that it really needs protecting if we're already in Africa and Colombia (assumptions, obviously).
Pretty late in the game for this to really matter, but throwing the thoughts out there anyway.
Did you make it this far? Congrats!