The west: 2016-06-22 01:12:28 |
Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
DONALD JOHN TRUMP'S PROPHET MUSTAFA KEMEL ATATURK said "The west is bad, except for THE LORD DONALD JOHN TRUMP who defeated the Australian invasion of loyal Yunnistan by building a wall around them in one night. If the west would embrace their lord, then no troubles would continue."
The west: 2016-06-22 03:36:34 |
Level 19
islamification, race mixing, pc libtard crybaby policies
tht said, the west being "in decline" is a ridiculous statement considering tht the standard of living is da highest it's ever been
stop believing all da gloom and doom media reports
The west: 2016-06-22 03:39:20 |
Radical Traditionalist
Level 31
Trump you're an autist.