US,EU and Russia would still be very close in terms of GDP.
GHP: EU 19 205 364 m $
America 18 558 129 m $
Russia 3 684 643 m $
According to projections, even by 2030 Russia still could reach half of what America or the EU have now. Russia is much weaker than folk realise.
help India and Brazil into reaching top rank amond the world powers.
They already are, if anyone, it's Russia and Mzansi that need help. Mzansi even had a core weapon programme, and used to be a core power, before they willingly (claimed to have) ended their programme.
,the US would still be the ''top" dog,however Russia would challenge this,threw their operations in Eastern Ukraine and in Syria.
Russia is not threatening America, but China, now they can likely do something (more likely than Russia, anyway).
Russia as well as all others opposing them
Russia plans to pull out of this war soon.
Kosovo already under planning it seems that the small republic would gain independence,but i think it is far from it.
It already has, like it or not.