**The 7 main reasons why to add Dariush to your blacklist:**
1. playing at the same game Dariush plays, put yourself under the risk that false rumors will be made up on u.
2. playing at the same game Dariush plays, put yourself under the risk to be blakclisted by players who don't look after facts after they may see your name under his post of "The big list of people that deserve to be blacklisted".
3. If u play at Dariush's opposite team and your teammate gets booted at the beginning of the game, dariush may refuse to vote to end altuogh all the other players agree to.
4. If u play at the same team Dariush plays, he may behave selfishly towards u and your teammates.
5. If u play at the same team Dariush plays, he may behave greedily at the expense of the team's interest.
6. If y play at the same team Dariush plays, he may abandon u or your teammates to elimination from NO REALLY GOOD REASON, even if u sacrificed yourself for him all game long!!!
7. Dariush behaves rudely and brutally toward other players.
A proof to sections 1 and 2:
A proof to sections 1, 2, 3 and 7:
A proof to senctions 4, 5 and 6:
I invite everybody else to share with us his own experience about dariush, and to add his own reasons y to blacklist him if he wants to XD