This Saturday WGL will be hosting a livestream with Fizzer, the developer of WarLight.
We will hold an FFA game during the stream. Fizzer agreed to let the winner of that realtime FFA pick a feature for immediate roadmap development out of the following list:
- Add a member-only forum.
- Add "attack only" to 3v3 ladder.
- Add "allow attacks by percentage" to 3v3 ladder.
- Allow turning a finished game into a youtube video.
- create link to community events on dashboard with someone curating it (clan league, WWCL, etc)
- Hide forum posts by players you've blacklisted.
- Forum voting system, to help promote good threads and hide bad threads.
This has never been done before in 8 years of WarLight!
So if you really really really want one of these things to become a reality NOW you should join us live this Saturday and win the FFA to ensure it gets selected and Fizzer will push it to the top of the list for the next update!
Join us this Saturday:
Edited 7/1/2016 16:57:58