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Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-02 22:37:33

Level 59
I have finally nearly finished my Big British Isles map.
http://warlight.net/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=24510 It should be good to test tommorow, if I'm up to finishing it. Or if I'm not, it will be this week. Things I need to do:
•Scotland - All Bonuses and Territory Names
•Super and mega - Historical and Modern Bonuses
•All bonus values
•All connection links (including oversea lines)

So people that wish to test please say on this thread! I need people that are going to point out missing connections and also opinions on bonus values and the map in general. What can be improved really!

Some options for test: (Role-play)
•Prehistoric (Tribal Warfare)
•Roman Britain
•Saxon Britain
•Medieval Britain (Barons and Wales/Scotland/Ireland/Norway)
•English Civil War

Please Vote your faviourite.
During the test I will be doing clean bonuses and distribution modes.
After the test it can go public ;)

Edited 11/2/2013 22:56:35
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-03 00:11:54

Level 58
Hm i vaguely remember when this map started :)

I'll test if it is ok with you :)
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-03 08:08:33

Level 67
Great work so far Alex!

Couple of spelling errors I saw:
Bournmouth --> Bournemouth
New forest --> New Forest
ChristChurch --> Christchurch
(South) Glouchestershire --> (South) Gloucestershire
Workingham --> Wokingham
Bracknell forest --> Bracknell Forest
Tonbridge and malling --> Tonbridge and Malling
City of Wesminster and London --> City of Westminster and London
Tower hamlets --> Tower Hamlets
East Hertforshire --> East Hertfordshire
Epping forest --> Epping Forest
Chesire East --> Cheshire East
Chesire west and chester --> Cheshire West and Chester
Sheffeild --> Sheffield
Bolten --> Bolton

*The placing of the Berkshire bonus looks odd.
*In Surrey, you have a bonus called Working. I *think* it should be Woking?
*East Riding of Yorkshire needs work.
*One unnamed territory in West Yorkshire
*I think Stoke on tees should be Stockton-on-Tees?

Edited 11/3/2013 09:02:56
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-03 08:41:08

Level 60
As a suggestion making the bonus boxes bigger for the final version. Other then that it looks good.
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-03 09:12:57

Level 59
Thanks guys. Oh wow I didn't notice all these mistakes :p thanks Dom
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-03 14:24:12

Level 54
Sure, I love testing.
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-03 18:18:35

[NL] Lord Jotham
Level 47
Put me in.
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-03 18:30:42

Arc Light
Level 53
I would like to test it, this is an interesting map, but if you weren't so far into entering the map details I would suggest you add some visually appealing elements though.

Edited 11/3/2013 18:30:50
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-04 19:45:57

Level 61
I'd also like to help testing it.
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-04 21:19:21

Level 54
You will have to fix the borders and there are quite a few connections missing.Too many to type now.
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-04 23:31:07

{rp} General Mac 
Level 53
looks great! but you spelt my home town wrong... its Enfield, not Einfield :)
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-05 00:33:44

Level 54
Hence Lee Enfield and not Lee Einfield.
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-05 08:15:55

Level 59
Haha, sorry Mac ;) all of this naming territories muddles up my brain.

Also I have said about the borders and I have been busy/lazy and not finished it.
Testers needed ~ Big British Isles: 2013-11-06 01:48:55

Level 19

Edited 11/6/2013 01:50:13
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