Boooooh!-Wait?!-Yeah, Islamism is a big problem over here at Europe. We need to beat the shit out of ISIS (also known as ISIL) to demonstrate our European power and we have to fight the Islamists by taking care of them by opening better chances to them. Most of the Islamistic suicide-committers are "lonely wolves" who fight for themselves and do not have anyone they could care about. The other point is the society nowadays which is judging people way too fast. That could be improved by better education and more job-possibilities and more care for students at German and other European schools.
Keep in mind: Every problem has to faces. / There are always two sides of the medal.
P.S. I referred mainly to Germany since I live there.
P.P.S. 80% of the muslim terrorists committing suicide pro-ISIS and killing hundreds of people came from poor suburbs of Brussels.
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