40% edgy trolls (Karl) 20% fundamentalists who think Jews killed Jesus 20% radical Muslims who think the stuff in the Quran about Jews being pigs is legitimate 10% People who haven't met Jews and just assume this stuff 6% people who think there's a white genocide 2% people who think Jews are Marxists 1% people who think Jews are the Bourgeoisie .8% actual Neo-Nazis .2% Jews messing around So with that, it seems stupid to whine about it. They want to set up their little echo chamber, they can do that.
Fun Fact: Goyim in Hebrew literally means "peoples" or "people".
There's a word for such folk, I'm not sure how it is in English, but I think it would be "against-ness", and I think that's what it is. 100 years ago, these folk would have been at best, censored, and at worst, tortured/brainwashed and be mandated to reverse their followers, and I think many are forgetting how merciful the unseen Jew hands are being here, contrasted to the Manchu and Christian kingdoms of old.
Anarcho-Capitalism is apparently a "Jewish ideological disease". They evidence that this is pro-Jewish by showing Rand's views on Israel, but failed to even check google for backlash, from none other than Rothbard himself. Forgetting that Rand was pro-government too.