I think it's exaggerated how bad this choice is in particular. Every American election has been this bad since perhaps the 1930s, but at least it's not China, where "your" picks are "communist" or "friend and aligned with communist".
Clinton is a threat to the security of the whole world.
lol, i don't know how you think this stuff. just watch in Hillary's term, and see her be a *mimicking voice* "threeaat to the secuurity of the WHOWAOALAE wororoolad!"
Trump vs. Hillary: Who's worse: 2016-08-12 18:03:00
Trump - Said some mean things, No idea what he's doing. A good businessman.
Clinton - Meida wrapped around her finger, Gets away from jail time because of her last name. Experience galore in politics.
Hillary is worse. She knows exactly what she is doing and will only further drive a wedge in the already wide bipartisan gap. Trump can and will be contained if he is in office.
And I'm not going to lie, I want to see how much shit the world will lose if he gets elected, as well as the meme gold mine that will be discovered.
Trump vs. Hillary: Who's worse: 2016-08-12 21:02:13
She's hitting 50% in polls now while her opponents are struggling to hit 40%. Looks like your "silent majority" is a vocal minority trying to make itself look bigger.