You may laugh at this question. But look at the follwing two games:
Focus on a guy tarrasboulba in Hungary. He was autobooted at game start and instantly became an AI. By scrolling through history you see how a typical AI behaves: it tries to get territory no matter if an opponent is close by. Sure, in such a situation a human player would keep his troop together and defend. But the AI is too stupid to know.
Now take a look at this game:
Focus on Cambodia. Both, a guy calling himself earthling and unlucky me placed troops there. In difference to me earthling did not do his moves, maybe he was too annoyed by this situation, and was booted and instantly became an AI. Again, scroll through history focusing on Cambodia. BUT HOW DIFFERNTLY THIS AI BEHAVED. I could not feel any difference between a human opponent, this AI was real nasty.
Now my question: Do AI s have different capabilities? As everyone can see, it looks like it *is* possible.