Cata and Ox both are right.
Game was already fully derailed by Felidae alts, I don't care if it's one or more people (street-teaming is still bad). It was effectively no different to what I did with zażółć gęślą jaźń. Only difference is I did it blunter and showcased you how useless and idiotic it got, especially with people like Tabby who just spew trash all over forum.
BTW seriously, would you instead please finally make your moves in games you are in, Tabby? 14 days of waiting when you happily run around shitting all over forums about "Felidae" is downright dickish. Play actual game or GTFO for eternity.
Onoma didnt show that the game is broken, but rather showed how the community changed and derail and destroy forum-games that worked quite well, peacefully and with a fair outcome in the end in the past. (See earlier HH-games)
I mean alone the fact that now there are tons of alts on the list proves that this is not a contest between single persons anymore, but rather a troll-competition between factions of who brings more alts and more people to the game to gangbang against single players that they are being eliminated within minutes.
Its like you turn a FFA with occasional pacts, to a team-FFA, where its just who posts faster and who is online the time the game comes up.