yet mass deportations of Germans,Poles,Tartarians,Ukranians and putting new ethnicities in new territories is not against discrimination at all.
I don't deny that Stalinist Soviet rule liked "collective punishment", by policy, lying about a crime that you did, and then later found it that you did lie and did the crime often meant killings of the whole core family, hanging on what the crime was.
But was it better than what other big countries were doing? Actual genocide of the last indigenous Americans, and later on, forced assimilation, seperation of families, castrations almost to the 1970s? The Mau Mau rebellion, in which Barack Obama's own grandfather was gruesomely killed and torture was systemic? Or in French empire, where Africans were « sujets, pas citoyens » and had no shielding of the law?
And what about religious discrimination and demolishing thousands of worshipping places ir in some places where they abolished it completely?
Islaam was much more allowed in the Soviet rule than the Tsar rule. Laws in Muslim majority lands were often put to Islaamic religous law. As for Christianity, yes this was worse under the Soviet Band, since it was stripped of any strength and privileges they had before, and actively discouraged it. As for Judaism - now folk weren't thought so much of a plague as before and could actually move and be shielded by the law and not have pogromy on them.
Edited 8/25/2016 22:11:33