me how many of these first few frains you agree with yourself. I guess what's in parentheses.
*Do you want to make Islaamish law official in your country?
**If so, should it apply to those not Muslim?
*Do you pray more than once a day?
*Do you believe in killing apostates from Islaam?
*Can a fellow be moral without believing in ALLAH?
*Do you believe prostition is wrong? gayness? self-killing? sex outside marriage? drinking alcohol? abortion? mercy killing? divorce?
*Do you believe that it should not be the woman's choice to veil, but the husband's?
*Should sons and daughters have equal heritage rights?
*Do you believe in self-killing bombing for the shield of Islaam?
*Do you believe in killing at all for the shield of Islaam?
*Do you think less rigorous Muslims are a problem?
*Do you think freedom of faith is a good thing?
*Do you think Islaamic faith's leaders should have politic influence?
*Do you believe there is conflit between Islaam and modern society? and modern science?
*Do you believe west pop culture harms morality?