You could decide the maps size (eg tiny, small) automatically, as long as the number of territories the map had an id.
Edit: you could work out map size using something like:
<!DOCTYPE html>
territories {width:"100px";}
function mapsize() {
var territories = document.getElementById("territories");
if (territories <50) {("Tiny")};
else if (territories <150) {"Small"};
else if (territories <400) {("Medium")};
else if (territories<800) {("Big")};
else if (territories<1500) {("Large")};
else if (territories<3200) {("Huge")};
else {"Gigantic"};
document.getElementById("size").innerHTML = territories;
<button onclick="mapsize()">Find out map size</button>
<p id="size">Number of territories: <textarea id="territories"></textarea></p>
Note: straight copy and pasting this doesn't quite work :(
Edited 8/28/2016 20:52:05