Strategic 1v1 Playoffs: Champion's League Style :): 2013-11-15 03:51:24 |
Level 60
This time, the Strategic 1v1 playoffs will be much more open than they have been in the past. Not everyone will be able to get in, but the requirements will be much less stringent. The setup will be similar to the Champion's League that Sze created, meaning there will be a pool play round with 4-5 competitors in each pool. Each player will play the others in their pool twice, and the top 2 will advance to the next round. The following rounds will be done the same way. Depending on the amount of people interested, there will be 4-5 rounds total. Once we get down to the final 4 or 5 players, then the top 2 will compete in a best of 7 series for the championship.
Here are the players I will invite: Summer Timinator Oliebol TeddyFSB Falker Mirror Synesthesia Retrospecka Schmidt Longhouse Azazel Verzeher Tenshi FlyingBurrito Anonymous Widzisz ACL Tears Gambler robke136 Dom365 Ko CONQUISTADORS Krzychu Dead piggy Math Wolf Brisk Niko NoobSchool Lolowut CHRIS abr Anakin Chigurh Batman Beelzebub Blue Precision Boston dreuj EZPickens Fizzer Frankdeslimste Fridge geeksada Gnuffone grona Heyheuhei Ineffable HurtmeplentyPsy JSA Julkorn JUPITER Unreality Mannerheim Marc Mian Myhandisonfire Nord Old Surehand Ottarin PaniX Rayguns Ribena Ruthless Bastard Saladin Shuai SuperSereal The Duke of Ben The Window Cleaner TheWarlightMaster Unknownsoldier Veelvraat Yeon Zibik Czajnik Brain Bzox
76 players in all I will accept some others who ask for a place, but I will not go out of my way to invite them. So if you are interested, make sure you let me know!
Edited 11/15/2013 04:08:56
Strategic 1v1 Playoffs: Champion's League Style :): 2013-11-15 05:52:16 |

Level 59
Did you seriously just type out your invite list? :P
I think I would be interested if you'd have me, though I have to be careful I'm not taking on more than i can chew... about when do you think this will realistically start?
Strategic 1v1 Playoffs: Champion's League Style :): 2013-11-15 05:57:59 |
Level 59
why was i, czenik and bzox shoved at the bottom of the alphabetical list?
Strategic 1v1 Playoffs: Champion's League Style :): 2013-11-15 06:28:48 |

Level 59
Hey, at least you were included ^^
Strategic 1v1 Playoffs: Champion's League Style :): 2013-11-15 13:15:03 |

Level 58
Nevermind. Shuai isn't my main account and Machiavelli is not allowed to play with JSA.
Edited 11/15/2013 14:29:55
Strategic 1v1 Playoffs: Champion's League Style :): 2013-11-15 14:09:57 |

Vladimir Vladimirovich
Level 61
banana, you would become banana milkshake.
Strategic 1v1 Playoffs: Champion's League Style :): 2013-11-15 14:15:33 |

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
I will follow my fellow Master's example and sign up. Looks like a good challenge.
Strategic 1v1 Playoffs: Champion's League Style :): 2013-11-15 14:47:50 |

Level 62
I'd join if there's an opening.
Strategic 1v1 Playoffs: Champion's League Style :): 2013-11-15 15:09:45 |

Vladimir Vladimirovich
Level 61
banana: Notable Victories Date Opponent Best Rank Current Rank Link 10/22/2013 Jorgst 13th 72nd 5030452 11/07/2013 GMontag 13th 73rd 5119473 10/26/2013 Tor 13th Not Ranked 5043925
no, you havent and yes, im saying that players below the top 50 probably arent good enough to fight these guys, and im below the top 50
banana: Ranked 93rd with a rating of 1605. Bananashake's profile Best rating ever achieved: 1620. Best rank ever achieved: 63rd
Edited 11/15/2013 15:10:51
Strategic 1v1 Playoffs: Champion's League Style :): 2013-11-15 15:28:14 |
Level 59
haha thats what i love about you pink :D
Strategic 1v1 Playoffs: Champion's League Style :): 2013-11-15 21:39:53 |
Level 60
I still have to talk to all of these players that I mentioned above. All the players that sign up but are not on the list will be put into a list, and I will choose which ones make it and which ones don't, depending on the number of total players. I plan to err on the side towards over half the people that ask will be included.