Although the upvote down vote feature is helping a lot in the removal of threads, and it seems so.
However it seems that people will down vote every thread without a valid reason.
And another bunch of people will down vote just because "that person" made that post or thread.
However those two phrases break 2 rules of the feature
-Not to let your prejudices judge your opinion on the matter
-People who abuse voting will have their powers revoked.
As of now, no one has their powers revoked.
Imho, I think their should be a reasoning feature.
It isn't for liking stuff, the rreason is simple- I like the thread, or x thread is beneficial.
However for disliking a thread needs valid reasons for it to be DISLIKED.
Like the report option, it should have legitimate causes to be DISLIKED, such as
-Showing offensive pictures
-OT in the topic
-Hurtful to me or others.
Then a moderator will see all of them and will have the final say. The reason why they read these is so there can't be any report spam.
Also to not, why not add appeal- threads, get hidden, has good and useful information. Why not appeal the thread to a moderator and wait for their decision by a notification.
I'm going to advertise my game here, if you want ignore this, I don't mind.