wct: a rewrite from scratch is the only thing that could save it imho.
sorry if that came out as rude
It's not about rudeness, it's about signal. Your comment did not contain any, IMO.
but if you're asking the community a question the least you could do is make it readable.
I understood it fine.
or add a question mark in there somewhere.
It wasn't actually a 'question' as you're calling it. It was a request. He correctly used imperative sentences which end in periods.
as i see it, i wasted my time trying to read it a few times before giving up, because it made no sense and had no explicit question. so, yeah, my only possible feedback is please rewrite it properly if you expect a more constructive reply.
But that's not what you wrote. You wrote "your english is so bad i can't understand what you actually want." And anyway, I would have downvoted your more polite version also because it also contains no signal.
There's another perhaps more salient problem (in my opinion) with your two comments, which is that they are not merely zero-signal, they are also non-zero-noise, which in this case I mean that they actively discourage an attempted contribution to the WL community and forums. This is what tips my balance from 'don't bother voting either way' to 'yep, that actually deserves a downvote'. However, I think the amount of noise in those two comments is quite small -- but it's still non-zero.
If they had contained even the slightest hint of a useful suggestion, I wouldn't downvote. For example, if you had said something like "your english is so bad i can't understand what you actually want. Could you try rewording it?" that would be offering a suggestion the OP could usefully act on.
But in your more polite example you say "please rewrite it properly", right? But what is "properly"? How could the OP know what you're thinking of as 'proper', unless you give some hint of what you mean? If you had offered even a single example of what you meant by 'proper', I would not downvote it. For example, if you had said something like "please rewrite it properly (with an explicit question, for example)", then that would have had non-zero signal, and I wouldn't downvote it.
My motivation in all of this is simply to do right by Fizzer's intention of the purpose of the voting system: to improve the overall quality of the forums/threads. I think a lot of people are missing the opportunities of how the system can be used, and I'm only nitpicking your particular post in an effort to illustrate a perhaps tricky 'corner case'. All assessments of your comments here have been merely my own opinion. The point of the voting system is that my opinion only gets one vote, same as everyone else's (well, weighted by level, sure, but we each only get to click on the thumb just once). If I'm wrong, other people will upvote your comment back to visibility, and I would be 100% fine with that. That's how it's supposed to work.
Edited 9/17/2016 05:45:01