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Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 18:28:51

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57

A video I created myself. Fun to watch if not taken seriously
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 18:38:00

Level 56
Pre-emptively uv'd thread to protect parody and satire.
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 18:39:49

Level 52
upvoted, just because.

edit: also liked video <3

Edited 9/18/2016 18:41:37
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 18:40:37

Level 61
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 18:44:21

Level 51
Was a funny video! Really like the part about Paugers. Upvoted Belgium.
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 18:49:58

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Karl misses the good ol days

Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 18:53:13

Fan the Apostle
Level 56
I'm surprised that you haven't mentioned more ppl. But upvote anyway
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:01:28

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57
Fun to watch if not taken seriously
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:04:46

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Downvoted. Mocking Karl does not contribute to any rational discussion.

He should be criticized but not mocked.

You are so cancerous you have developed into a carcinogen as well. You have literally made cancer contagious.
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:07:36

Level 59
Downvoted. Mocking Karl does not contribute to any rational discussion.

He should be criticized but not mocked.

And if rational discussion doesn't lead into him changing his mind, we should kill him.

Edited 9/18/2016 19:08:58
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:13:13

Fan the Apostle
Level 56
Know satire? Yeah, that what it is.
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:16:25

Level 52
Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

satire IS criticism.
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:19:36

Level 56
Tabby pls go back to tumblr
the adults are talking

A life without KKKarl is like a life without autism.

HAHA best bits, lol at Tabby go back to tumblr.

If anyone wonder why Jews are superior just google search it. your first result will be my personal warlight thread.

Uh, https://www.google.com/search?q=why+jews+are+superior&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

no; not even the first leaf
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:22:16

Level 52
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:23:22

Level 56
Downvoted. Mocking Karl does not contribute to any rational discussion.

He should be criticized but not mocked.

Tabby, I mentioned it before, I'll mention it again: Parody and satire are very important and effective forms of critique.

If you want to put it in terms of 'rational discussion', then they are forms of argumentum ad absurdum (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_absurdum).

Sometimes this involves mocking, which is not a rational argument, but it is not serious in itself. There's nothing wrong with a little humour *in addition to* a rational argumentum ad absurdum underpinning the parody/satire.

Parody and satire have long traditions, going back thousands of years. They are sometimes *the only way* to criticize harmful ideologies, especially when those ideologies have great power. Please check out the WP article on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satire

Especially the parts pertaining to its legal status and censorship. Here's part of that:
Legal status

For its nature and social role, satire has enjoyed in many societies a special freedom license to mock prominent individuals and institutions.[20] In Germany,[110] and Italy[17][111] satire is protected by the constitution.

Since satire belongs to the realm of art and artistic expression, it benefits from broader lawfulness limits than mere freedom of information of journalistic kind.[111] In some countries a specific "right to satire" is recognized and its limits go beyond the "right to report" of journalism and even the "right to criticize."[111] Satire benefits not only of the protection to freedom of speech, but also to that to culture, and that to scientific and artistic production.[17][111]
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:26:01

Level 60
If this gets hidden I'm going to DDoS WarLight.
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:27:13

Level 58

make it happen guys!

You still have the script right?
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:31:36

Fan the Apostle
Level 56
DDoSing is fun
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:36:32

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 42
OY! You found out my secret!

I actually suggested the voting system!

After all, Karl, how can an ethnicity numbering 14 million, manage to control the media, global finances and banking, the UN, most liberal governments, earn 30% of Nobel prizes, and justify a forced removal of native peoples for over 60 years be "inferior"?
Karl reacts to the new voting system (video): 2016-09-18 19:40:30

Level 58
^ topkeklmao strawman goy. such salt umayyad?
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