Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 42
Traditionalist Zionism, or simply "Classic Zionism", is a form of Zionism that strictly adheres to the core tenets of Zionism over all. These include; protection from terrorist attacks, an end to biased media protraying us as fanatics, the right to demonstrate our ethnic and racial pride as Jews, and a homogenous nation-state, built upon the principles of our race and organic cultures.
Traditional Zionists often call for arms against the inferior goy, justifying this from literature that some claim is biased. This is utter nonsense, for these documents provide the truth of what the goy intends to do. Traditional Zionism also focuses on giving the praise Jewish culture deserves. Maintaining the traditional Jewish family and not allowing degenerate activities such as interracial relationships, homosexuality, tattoos, piercings, dyeing hair, revealing clothing, criticism of the Zionist values, again justified by the prior documents, and the return of women to their rightful place- as wives and mothers to repopulate the newly established Zionist state. Men of Jewish race are expected to be intelligent and stronger than their inferiors- after all, the Talmud says that non-Jews killed Jews. They can be expected to follow the traditional military of the Zionist State, and follow a strict code of honor, except towards their enemies. And who are the enemies of the rightly-guided Traditional Zionists? There are many. The goys, unintelligent, speaking in uncomprehensible babble, and motivated by lust, money, and drugs, are similar to a pack of wolves. Many times has a Jewish woman been raped by goys, and must then birth a half-breed. "Half-Jews" are worse, for their attempts to claim they belong to the Jewish race. The worst of all are the traitors to Traditionalist Zionism, the Jews who reject us. These race traitors are to be put to the sword, just like the goyim, who pump out children endlessly. The goy is the enemy, for he even reeks of fried food and pork.
Now take up arms, my Jewish brothers. We fight against the inferior, who drinks his piss and screws his daughters. Jew pride worldwide.