this game as I much prefer MME to the map in the other game:
Turn 1: Hitting CA is stupid. Hit Brazil.
Turn 2: You have to deploy 5 to finish South America. Do so. You then deploy 3 and hit South Australia.
Turn 3: Finish Australia.
That puts you at 17 income after turn 3.
You instead end turn 3 on 11 income. Play turns 1-3 like I outline and you have a 4 income lead and you border Cata, you head from Australia towards Russia, find him in East China, break him and win the game.
Take 1 bonus at a time. Do not deploy into multiple bonuses at once except in very specific circumstances where doing so allows a bonus to be taken sooner than otherwise possible. Example: long thin bonuses where you take 1 territory each turn, like say, Southeast Asia can be sensible to move in while finishing another bonus if you can spare the armies. If you're taking a territory, and then not expanding from that new territory (or finishing a bonus) you shouldn't be taking the territory.
Edited 9/22/2016 00:37:20