Hello, and WELCOME to the 63rd WarGamingLive Streamed tournament week!
For those of you who are new to WGL, this is a weekly event hosted by experienced players. It usually consists of two LIVE tournaments, which will be broadcasted with in-depth analysis and commentary by some of the top Warlight players. The broadcast (stream) is hosted on twitch.tv
We try to play different settings every week.
You can find most of the earlier streams at:
http://twitch.tv/wargaminglivehttp://twitch.tv/wargamminghosthttp://twitch.tv/psenoughhttp://twitch.tv/thewarlightmasterTemplates for this week:
1v1: Strategic 1v1 Medium Earth
2v2: Strategic 2v2 Medium Earth
If you have a suggestion for a template we should use, feel free to drop the link on the forum.
Times & Dates:
(1v1) - November 30th, 2013 - 11:00 US/Central // 18:00 GMT // 19:00 Continental Europe (GMT+1)
http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20131130T18&p0=133&msg=WGL+%2363+1vs1(2v2) - December 1st, 2013 - 11:00 US/Central // 18:00 GMT // 19:00 Continental Europe (GMT+1)
http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20131201T18&p0=133&msg=WGL+%2363+2vs2How to join:
Everyone is welcome to join the tournament lobby. We encourage all - experienced players and newbies.
We will be making a "Lobby" to test whether or not the participants signed up are active. The lobby is usually opened around 30 minutes before the actual tournament. The lobby will show up in the open tourney listings. Either you can be invited to it, or join it outright.
Even if you post here and get thrown on WGL invite list your spot is not guaranteed.
To be included into the WGL tournament, you have to join LOBBY TOURNAMENT first. Then depending on the number of people interested, we will decide how big the real tournament will be. Usually there are slightly less open spots, than people interested. In that case it will be decided following two rules: the priority to join the tournament will be given to the "regular" participants and legends of WGL. Then the other teams will be invited, and we will use first come - first serve rule - whichever team accepts tournament faster gets in.
Commentators and Hosts:
We are always looking for new stream hosts - if you are willing to help, and have a powerful computer AND a fast internet connection, then contact either one of the current active hosts: Pushover, ps, TheWarlightMaster and Latnox.
Active commentators: Malamute, Sarutobi, Lolowut, Lord Syvedyas, Szeweningen.
Past hosts and commentators: Mythonian, Fizzer, Dunga, x, Reza, Robespierre, Trollusa, Gnuffone, Mian, kcscrag, Dom365 and many more!
Old Stats list by Mythonian:
http://goo.gl/glWHmNew Stats list by offpools:
http://bit.ly/18YKbM2- Wargaminglive crew
Edited 11/29/2013 12:09:15