So recently on Twitter I was trying to find Warlight and only managed to find a Warlight Turkey page. I was wondering if Fizz is interested in putting Warlight on Twitter and Facebook. I would be more than happy to set up a Twitter for WL and announce events and try and gain followers and maybe new players to the game. Think of it as free advertisement. I have the time and resources to make a real nice Twitter page for the Site and think that it could help improve the games visibility so with permission from Fizzer I would like to get started.
there was wargaming live account on twitter at some point when lolowut and mythonian were originally pushing the thing, didn't get much usage though, only me and thethedde were following it last time i checked, think i unfollowed it a few months ago afaicr.
Unfortunately, running a good Twitter page takes a lot of time and patience. I would be interested in finding a good candidate to run the WGL twitter feed and to run our youtube account.. which would mean I need someone who is both outspoken and able to do minor video editing. Not an easy skillset to come by...
I didn't make it. It's unofficial and it's highly invasive of my privacy, actually I'm seeking legal advice on the matter. But yeah nobody cars I. Guess, it only has 5379 likes lol. :)
Alright guys Warlights page is up!! Everyone with a twitter go and follow @Warlight_main on! !! Ill post all the latest forum news and updates there!!