I know this is a gaming site so I gave a fair warning that this topic is centered on politics. Which may only indirectly affect our gaming world here, but it matters!
Join us as we declare to the Mainstream Media - We the people demand an end to your lies and refusal to admit Ron Paul is a 2012 GOP Frontrunner. On October 19th, 2011, tens of thousands of Americans shall stand together to send you a very clear message. We will stand as one with Ron Paul and his mission to change the course of history by raising over $6 million in a single day for his presidential campaign. Go ahead and try to Black THIS Out!
What is a Money Bomb? - The "Black THIS Out" Money Bomb is a 24 hour "Online" fundraising event. On Oct 19th, all donations are to be made to the official campaign website at
http://www.RonPaul2012.com/. Our goal is to break $6 million, but we can ONLY achieve this if we can get 25,000 people to attend this Facebook event! Attend this event and invite all your friends.
If you're an American join the fight for liberty and against media bias and donate on October 19th! If you're not an American you can still help the cause by telling all your American friends about the event.
Why is Ron Paul good for us here at Warlight specifically? Well more freedom, liberties, and prosperity will lead to more and better jobs such that we don't have to work 3 jobs just to make the bills. Leaving us more money to buy games and more time to play them! Tired of working more for less and having little time for games? Well support the candidate who has real economic understanding and can improve our situation more than any other! More freedom also leads to more innovation which leads to more games. Something we here can appreciate! Liberty for all!
Pledge your support at
Join the facebook event at
And help out by promoting this event!
And remember if you have any opinions or questions or wish to discuss the topic keep things very friendly, polite, and respectful! Obviously people here will disagree, but please be kind to other people's point of view and present your own kindly and without being derogatory or overly negative!
Cheers and may you continue to enjoy games like Warlight for a long time!