In one of the multi-day game ( started yesterday, I have the following scenario:
Turn 1:
5 v 2 (attacking), killed 1.
4 v 2 (attacking), killed 1.
OH REALLY? that chance of happening is <1%
then my one of my ally achieved this:
5 v 2 (attacking), win and have no casualty (~9%)
then next round he did:
3 v 2 (attacking) winning twice, allow him to complete a good bonus. (~9%)
then next round:
1 v 1 (attacking) win. (~18%)
Odds of these events happening consecutively: 0.15%
Okay I admit, chances of what he did wasn't as low as mine, individually, but they all happened in consecutive turns allowing him to get a huge whoopy bonus in 2nd turn :D
Not the mention he had a really good starting position. Damn I am jealous