Hi guys, I was bored until I cam to Forums. Alright guys, there's a clan war coming up announces fizzer. We need alliance with other clans to support each other when the clan war comes. We just want to know who wants to be our alliance and I'll let the Leader know. I don't want to see reasons why Illuminati Sucks Because I do not want to hear it. Be respectful guys :)
Now if you're wandering what happen to The leader Hidden Hands.He's taking a good care of his family and that's a good thing.
As for the 2nd leader Righ, he actually has a life Smar,t experienced and doesn't spend his time playing video games all day.
Now I 3rd leader is active most of the time and is taking leadership until they come back. I actually like to go camping outdoor and travel, and always bring my laptop with me.
DrSkullex 4th leader who created a website for our clan is sometimes active. Amazing player and experienced from Warlight 2.0.