Nothing that Obama isn't already doing, it's something that shouldn't be done for sure, but don't exaggerate what isn't there.
This isn't a source for planning to invade Russia, this isn't even a source to plan to attack it, just have "military response".
Ugh, Juq your ignorance on American history shines through once again.
Sorry, but I'm actually one of the most cultured people on Warlight. not to say that you don't actually say what I'm wrong about.
The original Republican Party was the most radical extremist hard left majority to ever sweep the north up until the New Deal ( I consider myself a Progressive Republican/Leftest Libertarian/Centrist Democrat )
irrelevant. the "original" liberal democrats were liberal and democratic, now what?
I mean at least with Obama you knew he had a plan to break every single US amendment of the United States constitution and then set up his own private propaganda ministry.
tshhh Obama was not the first, this has been happening maybe from the 1930s, Roosevelt (may ALLAAH burn him in Hell) for sure.
Donald is disgusting.
Don't lie!
Edited 10/9/2016 16:06:33