My ass: sloppy play by Gui leads to him losing to a 1728 player.
Not fond of the picks, but turn 3, hitting instead of flanking (and guaranteeing a card piece), was painfully stupid.
Turn 4 Gui surely knows he's on less income, as he saw his opponent deploy 9 turn 3, while in a 3 income bonus, heavily implying 11 income via Scandi and and CA, as there's no turn 12 on the board that doesn't involve West Russia or West Africa, both of which he can see are empty. Even worse, he fails to delay with 2 leftovers, so hits first, again.
Despite this he decides it's smart to once again lose another card piece by hitting instead of flanking.
Additionally, turn 2, if you intend to hit CA full on if it is occupied, then you don't move in Central Russia, you sit on your ass so you can hit turn 3 for the free card piece.