Sorry for the late repy guys, been very busy lately.
too complicated. better adjust bonus values with good sense if necessary.
I'd probably be able to do this. But there are also mapmakers who aren't good enough at WarLight to properly assign values to all boni. The formula is also to help them, its not just for me.
The only surefire way to come up with a good formula is to test it repeatedly. I would recommend starting with bigger coefficients (the numbers that multiply each variable), such as:
V = (1)*T + (1)*B + (1)*DBO - (1)*DBW
This will be wildly unbalanced, but it should give you a better sense of what each unit of the different variables is 'worth'.
I tend to think that such small coefficients like 0.05 for B will not have enough of an effect on the resulting value of V, making it much harder to get a good sense of what the best coefficient should be. Notice that with 0.05, it will only have an effect on bonuses with around 10-20 neighbouring territories. 10*0.05 = 0.5, and 20*0.05 = 1.0. It depends on whether you're rounding up or down, or to the nearest whole number.
How many maps out there have bonuses with 20 neighbouring territories?
Likewise with DBO and DBW. Try it with bigger coefficients. Who knows, you might get some interesting gameplay mechanics with big coefficients. You'll never know till you try. :-)
Once you have a sense of what the different variables are 'worth', you can adjust the coefficients down to more normal values, test it again, and keep tweaking and testing until you find a good solid combo.
You're right, I should test this with a lot a values :D
On the other hand I don't think 0.05 is too small. Right now the formula often equals the T/2 formula (which is used for most strategic maps, so its not a bad formula). For most boni with an equal amount of territories nothing changes (usually). For the boni with an odd amount of territories it sometimes give a difference. This means maps will be slightly more balanced, but aren`t too different from what is the standard at WL.
I'll try it out with different numbers, but I'm not unhappy with 0.05
There is no well defined fitness function so it's best to just stick with something that's sort of alright. Me and zxctycxz always go for n/2 rounding up and our maps have done pretty well.
True, there is no way to make a perfect function for boni. But this formula is meant to be the sort of alright thing that I stick to :p