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Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-29 13:20:23

Level 58
Timon are you sure you are going to the page on your account that has joined since you are active on 3 or so
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-29 13:27:20

Level 62
yes I am
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-29 13:54:58

Cloud Strife
Level 61
Join again,then leave.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-29 13:58:01

Level 64
I think there is some problem with the join/leave ladder buttons.

I am currently participating in the ladder but there is "join ladder" button instead of "leave ladder".

This was due to the session in your browser expiring. When you are not authenticated in the browser, I show the join button to go via that CLOT authentication page so that WL can tell the CLOT who you are and I can allow you to make changes for your account. If you click the join button, after that you would see the usual options of "choose games" and "leave".

I made a change to make this more intuitive. From now, you should see "Login" if you're unauthenticated in the browser(regardless of if you have joined/left). Once you're authenticated, you are auto-joined and you should see the "Choose games" and "leave" options.

Edited 10/29/2016 14:01:21
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-30 04:45:35

Level 64
Made some changes:
  • Players are ranked once they finish 20 games.
  • Games expire after 5 months. Show them as expired after that duration on the player page.
  • Show the template used for each game on the player page. This allows you to quickly see games played on a specific template.
  • Don't show #games a player is playing if they've left the ladder.
  • UI fixes for mobile
  • Fix British Raj to 0% WR
  • Fix World of Warhammer : Remove pre-reqs and enable private messaging.
  • Fix game sort order on player page to show latest finished games on top of the list.
  • Ability to ban players from the ladder if they cheat/multi-account.
  • Add template name to the game title to help differentiate templates on the same map. Games follow the naming convention "MDL : Template name | player1 vs player 2"
  • Change time displayed to the user's local time zone.
  • Show a link to the player page, player rating, best rank and best rating achieved on the home page for every logged in user.
  • Show the number of current active players joined on the ladder.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 06:30:38

Level 64
Added the ability to "veto" templates. Each player can now mark up to 5 templates they wish to avoid. I'll update my first post with this information as well.

How this works:
  • Based on your(A) rating, an opponent(B) is chosen at random from 20 active players on either side of you.
  • A and B can both veto 0-5 templates each. The union of both veto sets will not be considered for this match-up.
  • From the pool of remaining templates, one will be chosen at random.
  • Your vetoed templates will only be visible to you. This is to avoid gaming the ladder. If someone increases their game count to pick a specific opponent and they know that opponent's templates, they could pick other templates.
  • You can change your veto list as many times as you like. I may change this in the future if I see players trying to gain an unfair advantage.

The intent of this feature is to encourage players who are staying away due to one or two templates which they really dislike. One of the main goals of this ladder is to encourage diversity and test players on different settings, so I'd like to keep the veto limit as 5 unless the majority of you disagree with me on that.

On your player page:

p.s - If anyone receives a game on a vetoed template, please let me know!

Edited 11/4/2016 02:46:54
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 11:23:40

Level 58
Pretty Cool! I hope people have a variety of vetos. It would be a pity if this ultimately killed the diversity of games.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 12:13:49

Level 60
@motd, Macedonia no split template
there are recon card and dense fog, you should change one of them

Edited 10/31/2016 16:07:12
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 14:15:34

Level 59
Thanks a lot for all this work :)
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 14:21:01

Master Turtle 
Level 62
Macedonia No Split is supposed to be Recon + Dense/Heavy? (I can't remember which) Fog

Edited 10/31/2016 14:21:16
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 15:46:16

Level 60
I joined this, it seems like fun :)
Thanks for the good job.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 16:06:52

Level 60
@Turtle, it is Dense fog
So it is supposed to be that way ?
Recon isnt doing much there anyway
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 16:38:45

Level 60
BTW, I'm not familiarized with all the templates, there ara any with special sttings like multy-day, no-split, local-dep, commanders...despite the ones that have it on the name?
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 16:59:55

Level 34
can u add a ladder (4 ppl like me) that is like level 15-55 or what ever u want?
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 17:06:06

Level 60
@Radoverlord, he cant, because most of the templates/maps open on high levels
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 19:37:25

Level 34
oh, I thought you can play on high level maps but just not create the games... do I have to create my games? did I miss something? or am can I just not play with those settings?
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 19:57:29

Level 67
From the first page:

Question = I'm missing something. If the games are created from your account, why does the partaker need to have everything unlocked?

Answer = Because of the way Warlight APIs work. I cannot invite someone to a game in an automated fashion when they haven't unlocked the feature as it is considered a 'hack' to overcome the feature unlocking system on WL.

Edited 10/31/2016 19:58:17
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 21:18:27

Level 57
Is this is why none of the templates utilize commanders?
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 22:12:18

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
Commanders are shit from strategic view anyways, so no harm done banning them :P
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-31 22:21:38

Level 60
It says that I lost to Krzysztof but we never played. I had accepted the game but he didn't. And the game link goes to "The requested game does not exist. It may have been deleted by the game creator."

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