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Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-25 16:44:42

Level 63
I veto this now and suggest it is removed.
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-25 22:52:20

Level 60
^^ Remove
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-26 06:23:39

Level 64
Change log:
  • Added ability to retire templates from MDL and retired Oxfordshire.
  • Added a new section on the home page for retired templates. You can still view old games on that template.
  • Fix login bug where MDL would throw an error when a new player tried to sign up. Thanks to Oh Noes and Benoit for letting me know.
  • Cache leaderboard results on every CLOT update(once in 2 hours). The leaderboard page will now serve cached results which should speed up the page load significantly.

MDL has been running for 6 months as of today!
4493 games played so far.
This ladder has exceeded all my initial expectations. I have more features planned and am slowly working through them. Sincere thanks to everyone for participating.
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-26 06:50:02

Level 63
Thx for
all this! Much appreciated!

Edited 4/26/2017 06:50:32
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-26 09:27:51

Level 59
Great work, Master of the Dead.
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-26 10:17:09

Level 61
awesome work motd, a true legend in WL!
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-27 07:22:41

Level 58
Talked to you about this in PM so just posting here so you wont forget!

A small breakdown of settings in the "message from host" would be a nice feuture to have.

This is from France LD on the RTL.. Maybe also have in distrubution territory size and other important things that is of relevance from the template.
"0% SR, Cyclic, Local Deployment, 4×2+6, Abandon/RF/Blockade/OP/Recon Cards"

Edited 4/27/2017 07:26:43
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-27 07:31:10

Level 58
Oh, something you guys are probably already putting in but maybe just like on Warlight have top 3 best wins.

But maybe tweak it a bit. If you check my 1vs ladder best win, my best wins has two guys ranked low 100s, I have obviously won over better players but these guys have played for a long time so their highest ranking is a bit higher than their current skill level.

So I rather have it show the ranking of the opponent on the day you won over them rather than their peak.
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-27 11:36:29

Level 61
Putting the settings in the message from host looks like needless when you can just check the settings.
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-27 12:23:20

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
message from host is way faster than scrolling through the settings and maybe even miss sth important (as you can't highlight every setting you might find important) :P
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-27 12:28:32

Level 58
Putting the settings in the message from host looks like needless when you can just check the settings.

It is good when playing on the phone as it is bothersome going through every setting on the phone. On desktop I don't really care.

But it is defintely nice to have on the phone.

Edited 4/27/2017 12:30:19
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-27 17:20:26

Level 58
Is it possible to make the weakly report sortable? So you can sort it by most positions gained. most ratings points gained or vice versa with most lost etc.
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-28 12:51:30

Level 61
Putting the settings in the message from host looks like needless when you can just check the settings.

considering i lost 2 games already from assuming it was SR and only later realizing it was WR i would have to strongly disagree.
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-28 15:10:03

Level 61
I will help with putting the settings in the message, but i dont wanna do it for 50 games, is someone willing to help me out? :)
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-28 15:16:07

Level 62
I think there's power in numbers. If everyone does 1 template host message , I believe it would save a lot of bother for 1 person doing it all and make the MDL better as a community project. instead of Motd or the same helpers slaving away ;)

I will do 1 Host message for a template if you want. Just mail me :)
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-28 15:27:38

Level 61
Template Name - 2v2 Final Earth Ladder
Base income - 5
Starts - 3x4
Luck modifier + Rounding Mode - 0% SR
Neutrals - 2,
In-distribution neutrals - 4
Fog Level - Normal Fog
Move Order - Cyclic
Attack/transfer/By percentage only - Yes/Yes/Yes
Special settings - None
Cards - Reinf(+5), OP, OD, Block, Gift

Modified it! :D

Edited 4/28/2017 15:37:38
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-28 15:33:56

Level 64
I've noted down all your suggestions and they will be implemented soon :)

I think this format may be better as some of the info isn't as helpful(it was for CL9). We should try to keep it as short as possible.

Template Name - 2v2 Final Earth Ladder
Base income - 5
Starts - 3x4
Luck modifier + Rounding Mode - 0% SR
Neutrals - 2, In-distribution neutrals - 4
Fog Level - Normal Fog
Move Order - Cyclic
Attack/transfer/By percentage only - Yes/Yes/Yes
Special settings - None
Cards - Reinf(+5), OP, OD, Block, Gift
You should add In-distribution neutrals as well. Thanks for picking this up as well!

Edited 4/28/2017 15:34:36
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-28 15:39:41

Timinator • apex 
Level 67

Attack/transfer/By percentage only - Yes/Yes/Yes

is there any template on the mdl that has No somewhere?
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-28 15:39:55

Level 61
ok good, i modified it so people wouldnt get confused!

Ok so how can we syncronize it, shall motd like write a message here with all the templates that needs a setting comment, and when someone does one template they can PM it to Motd and he can edit his message and remove that template?

Or shall we just write the template here in this forum thread as a new comment everytime ?
Multi-day ladder: 2017-04-28 15:57:39

Level 64
I think a google doc would be better. Anyone who would like to contribute can use this document and fill in the details for templates which don't exist yet.


is there any template on the mdl that has No somewhere?
Only French Brawl which doesn't have attack by %. So I guess that setting isn't too important to list either.

Edited 4/28/2017 15:58:18
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