Hello!I am going to show you how to save a whole lot of time changing territory ID's by using the find + replace tool.
It may have been mentioned before,but I found this out by myself and haven't seen it on the forums,so I figured I would share it
Fist of all,open the find + replace tab by pressing ctrl + f
http://prnt.sc/d0l7a4You should then draw out your territories.Once you have completed part of your map(or,ideally,all of it in one go),you will need to turn all the path ID's into territory ID's.
To do this,you first need to select all the soon-to-be territories.
You should make sure you have "Properties" selected under "Search in" and "Selection" under "Scope" in the find + replace tab.(image link of this coming up soon)
You then need to type in "path" in the "Find" bar.
If the territories you have selected are just a part of your map and not the entirety of it,then you should type "Territory_ + 2-3 random numbers(do NOT forget the underscore)
http://prnt.sc/d0l242If you have done all of your map in one go,you can skip the random numbers
Click "Find" and then "Replace All"
Provided you have done everything correctly and have followed the standard way of drawing out territories,when you load the SVG into warlight,all the territories should be there.You can use this thread if you have issues
Hope you found this helpful!