Even if he isn't a non-interventionist, he's defintely a helluva lot better than a Neo-Con, and this shows that Trump will have a better foreign policy than Clinton, who seemed to have taken notes from Hitler.
Trump's national security adviser: 2016-11-17 23:32:50
Weak. Because they still loved deregulations, flat taxes and free trade. Libertarian principles that cannot be ignored. In contrast Trump is a protectionist bitch that heavily opposes free trade. Doesn't that trigger you?
Trump's national security adviser: 2016-11-17 23:57:48
Even if they supposedly believed in those things, in practice, they're not that good at keeping to those beliefs. Bush defintely wasn't. Besides, there's more to libertarianism than just being less interventionist in the economy, and the neocons who are interventionist outside of the country and interventionist in social policies defintely don't match up with libertarianism in ideology, and defintely not in practice.
Trump's national security adviser: 2016-11-18 01:09:32
The man isn't the worst pick, but there many other better candidates. He's just using the spoils system. Lets pray to God he gets someone relatively normal for Secretary of State.
Trump's national security adviser: 2016-11-18 03:48:27