Hi WL community.
So I have this dexterous strategic spreadsheet full of dexterous (not really) templates
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pc7O8ZGmGKg8ObEiehTfdjPX2aNq6eiOri1URHkN6Ec/edit#gid=0And as you can see it's pretty underworked.
My plan was to gather player ratings for all the templates, to make ranking of the best / most liked / most strategic templates, as well as make overally much better redacted list of templates than just format - name - link. However, so far it has ratings from 2 players only, and lots of information is missing, many entries don't even have either game links or template links.
So how and what I want to achieve it is:
a) gather a group of WL template maniacs - let's call it WarZone Template Skwa[d/t] (maybe on Skype conversation?)
b) play on unknown templates, gather ratings from the WZTS
c) fill in the missing information
d) update with whatever templates supposedly should be on the list
I welcome every dexterous templatist to help!