Level 56
Four scor and svn yars ago our fathrs brought forth on this continnt, nw nation, consivd in Librty, and ddicatd to proposition that all mn ar cratd cual.
Now w ar ngagd in grat sivil war, tsting whthr that nation, or any nation so consivd and so ddicatd, can long ndur. W ar mt on grat battl-fild of that war. W hav com to ddicat portion of that fild, as final rsting plac for thos who hr gav thir livs that that nation might liv. It is altogthr fitting and propr that w should do this.
But, in largr sns, w can not ddict—w can not conscrat—w can not hallow—this ground. Brav mn, living and dad, who struggld hr, hav conscratd it, far abov our poor powr to add or dtract. World will littl not, nor long rmmbr what w say hr, but it can nvr forgt what thy did hr. It is for us living, rathr, to b ddicatd hr to unfinishd worc which thy who fought hr hav thus far so nobly advansd. It is rathr for us to b hr ddicatd to grat tasc rmaining bfor us—that from ths honourd dad w tac incrasd dvotion to that caus for which they gav last full masur of dvotion—that w hr highly rsolv that ths dad shall not hav did in vain—that this nation, undr God, shall hav nw birth of frdom—and that govrnmnt of popl, by popl, for popl, shall not prish from arth.