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Removing my profile: 2011-11-24 06:25:09

Level 4
I started playing Warlight last year, and I thought it was fun. Since then, I have lost interest in it, and I don't really want to play anymore. The obvious solution is to just finish the games I am in and stop joining other games so I wouldn't be required to play. Unfortunately, I keep getting force-joined against my will to games which I have zero desire to play, and so I surrender immediately. While I admit this is unfair both to my teammates and my opponents, I simply do not want to play anymore, and I can seem to extricate myself from the force-joining system. Is there anything I can do to stop being entered in games? Can my profile be removed entirely?
Removing my profile: 2011-11-24 06:56:05

sasha grey
Level 54
Played in 31 multi-player games (0% real-time)
Removing my profile: 2011-11-24 07:42:54

Level 49
you cannot remove your profile afaik.
if your profile goes idle for 100 days, you will be instantly removed from all games, and this would also mean all future games.. many people put their names as *don't invite me* or *leaving game* or w/e
Removing my profile: 2011-11-24 08:00:39

Level 4
Thank you for this information.
Removing my profile: 2011-11-24 08:02:31

Level 4
How do I set my profile to Do Not Invite?
Removing my profile: 2011-11-24 09:00:09

Level 61
just curious how can you be "force-joined" to a game?
Removing my profile: 2011-11-24 09:43:17

Level 29
After a certain amount of time elapses you can force join other players but I thought you could only do that in tournaments.
Removing my profile: 2011-11-24 09:51:19

Level 29
In fact, you *can* only do that in tournaments.

I have [a game](http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer.aspx?GameID=1127402) that is a year old that the other players haven't joined yet and I can't force join them.

The games that you are being forced to join must be tournament games.

Either way, if there is no way to delete your account, just stop logging on.
Removing my profile: 2011-11-24 19:53:55

BishesUpInErr (AHoL)
Level 4
Force-joins will stop once the tournaments you're in end. Your fault for joining this tournaments without intention to finish them. I assume they're round-robin, since I doubt your team could win an elimination tournament with you surrendering right off the bat. Since they're round-robin, who knows how much longer they'll last, depends on the amount of teams playing and how many games have already been played. These force-joins won't stop until these tournaments are over.
Removing my profile: 2011-11-24 21:13:09

Level 49
I thought force-joins applied to any game, so long as the requirements were met.. having not been nudged in *any* game in 24 hours, and having been waiting for past the boot time..

I *know* you can be force-joined in ladder games, and believe the auto-boot does it for you..
Removing my profile: 2011-11-24 21:35:35

BishesUpInErr (AHoL)
Level 4
yes, ladder games too, but he's not a member. You cannot be force-joined to any randomly created game that you were invited to. That wouldn't make much sense, I could invite to 200 games, make autoboot 5 minutes, and have you force-joined to all of them... wouldn't be too fun. Force-join is only possible when you're complied to play a game, such as tourney games, or ladder games.
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