I will say this for FCC. They're my second clan. I joined Secret Order of Assassins first. I joined SOA to check out clan life and then joined FCC for something more. They have active chats for support and discussion with an active community and are active in leagues.
Well, my first clan was the USSR, until they started an internal ideological cleansing (like Stalin did irl). Then I went on; I was in Dark Lords, German Warlords, Royal Entente, They Royal empire, Vader´s Fist, waco inc, and some more clans which I´ve forgot. Now I´m in SOA...
Some clans were to inactive, so I left them; RE got hijacked, so I left it; and Dark Lords were highly inactive PLUS trolls.
I will just keep movin´, like a lonely wolf, or a tiger, in order to find a place which is mine...
Until then I will be everywhere and just keep moving around.
P.S.: Since I´ve experienced a lot of clans, I believe both of you (FCC and EIC) should stop b*tching around and accusing each other of hijacking. Both clans might be good as well as bad for some reasons. Just stop your whining, crying and all the hate.
Edited 1/14/2017 15:13:59