could you add a small fix-on ofr map devs? While in map editor - it would be much easier if one was allowed to change particular bonus properties by just clicking on it's bonuslink.... finding each bonus on a list can be tough job, especially on big maps where there are dozens of bonuses....
also, you have once mentioned that server space is cheap (in contrary to CPU ussage) - could you please extend a bit the number of words avaiable for map decription? Right now it is about 500 words which is just not enough to describe all distribution modes or present additional templtes (in fact ther could be additional subpage or sth for templates submited by map author which are crafted especially for his map)
here is the example of description my own map in which I really have no more space to submit more details (like description of distribution modes, scenarios or additional templates): suppose that your answer would be "... uservoice..." but please take in mkind there are few active map makers so there is a little chance we woeul earn voicec of normal players who usually have no idea about map making...