Holocaust is impossible: 2017-01-29 17:59:57 |

Level 22
I'm not gonna bother with the whole nonsense here with the nazi-lovers denying the holocaust. Since I study physics I'm just gonna comment on the deeply ignorant comments about Einstein's contributions.
Even if you're totally apathetic about theoretical physics and only interested in technological applications (nevermind how interconnected they are), Einstein's discovery of stimulated emission is the basis of lasers and laser diodes, technologies that's used today in billions of cd, dvd, blu-ray readers, computer mice, optical communication such as internet cables and thousands of other technologies.
Einstein's special and general relativity are needed in order to make GPS satellites work, because they orbit at such great velocities and so far away from the surface.
It's rather ironic nazi-lovers can sit here and post deeply ignorant comments about Einstein's achievements based on their racist delusions against jews, using technology based on Einstein's very own theories!
Edited 1/29/2017 18:02:08
Holocaust is impossible: 2017-01-30 02:08:56 |

Level 20
''Einstein's discovery of stimulated emission is the basis of lasers and laser diodes, technologies that's used today in billions of cd, dvd, blu-ray readers, computer mice, optical communication such as internet cables and thousands of other technologies''
blatant lie, slavs and krauts invented lasers.
''Einstein's special and general relativity are needed in order to make GPS satellites work, because they orbit at such great velocities and so far away from the surface.''
No citation.
''It's rather ironic nazi-lovers can sit here and post deeply ignorant comments about Einstein's achievements based on their racist delusions against jews, using technology based on Einstein's very own theories!''
Nice shitpost and gtfo JIDF
Edited 1/30/2017 02:10:25