The assassination of the Grand Wizard: 2017-02-15 02:11:57 |
Castle Bravo
Level 56
The assassination won't fix "inner-city" poverty and rampant "troubled youths", dozens of black people will be killed by their own before the end of "black history month" and the death of the Grand Wizard will have a negligible effect.
When they should have gone after a con artist like a Louis Farrakhan, an Al Sharpton or a democratic politician hellbent on maintaining the inner-city police state they killed a living fossil, a leader of an FBI and police honeypot.
The Grand Wizard was probably an FBI agent or an undercover police officer.
Hell if you want to smash the white man kill a few channers and /pol/tards their memes have a greater efficacy for the white agenda than everyone in the KKK.
The assassination of the Grand Wizard: 2017-02-15 03:23:22 |
Castle Bravo
Level 56
Blacks will never be in a position to destroy White European civilization; BLM maintains that white people are the enemy while simultaneously begging for handouts and policies from the institutions controlled, by in large, by that same race.
This cognitive dissonance highlights the fact that BLM will never operate a functional independent state, the a Black American Republic is doomed. At best you might get a Haiti or a Sierra Leone but Africans are not known for their statecraft.
The assassination of the Grand Wizard: 2017-02-15 03:59:22 |
Level 57
CIA did it
The assassination of the Grand Wizard: 2017-02-15 04:16:53 |
Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Didn't his wife do the 'assassination'?
The assassination of the Grand Wizard: 2017-02-15 06:54:37 |
Level 42
what happened man? you were doing so good, moving up the ladder. now you fell back down to 2nd from the bottom.
The assassination of the Grand Wizard: 2017-02-15 11:07:39 |
Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 41
He still got murdered, regardless.
The assassination of the Grand Wizard: 2017-02-16 02:58:11 |
Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Yeah a wife shooting him means it's much less likely to be a political assassination and much more to be a relationship gone wrong.
The assassination of the Grand Wizard: 2017-02-16 05:10:12 |
Level 56
his wife was obviously paid off by the blackskin polytheist vardar jews