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available player nicknames: 2017-03-07 20:49:13

Level 60
i think that nickname "Adolf Hitler" must be blocked for players.
am i wrong?
available player nicknames: 2017-03-07 21:00:19

Level 27
Using a name of 'Hitler' or another world leader is not against WarLight's rules. Feel free to blacklist the player so you do not have to play with them, however you should not report them.
available player nicknames: 2017-03-07 21:20:32

Level 56
available player nicknames: 2017-03-07 21:27:10

Level 60

Say, we try to report a player. To do so, go to their profile, hit report balahablablah. You end up here.
Then we use the dropdown menu, and select the option.
They have named themselves after a world leader I don't like

Which the page now shows us the text
Using a name of 'Hitler' or another world leader is not against WarLight's rules. Feel free to blacklist the player so you do not have to play with them, however you should not report them.

Edited 3/7/2017 21:27:31
available player nicknames: 2017-03-09 00:02:02

Level 52
I read this original post differently. The way I read it, it seems they are asking if it is blocked, as if they tried to name themselves that, and they were not able to.

Speaking of nicknames, I noticed there is another player "sir". Anyone know how duplicates are handled?
available player nicknames: 2017-03-09 00:04:42

Level 60
Speaking of nicknames, I noticed there is another player "sir". Anyone know how duplicates are handled?

No such thing as unique nicks here. So many 'sir' accounts. If someone tries to impersonate you, then you can report the account. But simply having the same nick is no problem.
available player nicknames: 2017-03-14 16:14:21

Master Turtle 
Level 62
@17dufa if you click on forums and then click the search bar you can look up order threads. This is probably the 5th or 6th thread asking if that name (and others) should be removed and Fizzer has given responses on some of them.
available player nicknames: 2017-03-14 16:22:32

Level 57
And Fizzer is wrong.

Allowing this behavior inhibits Warlight's growth.
available player nicknames: 2017-03-15 01:42:20

MightySpeck (a Koala) 
Level 60
but does it though?
available player nicknames: 2017-03-15 01:55:09

Marigold Sunshine 
Level 59
Except for Fizzer isn't wrong. Fizzer is one of the most intelligent lads out there and i have yet to see him being wrong. He punishes players for inappropriate player names or descriptions. (I had to change my name because of this), so if you feel a name is inappropriate, feel free to report them and write the reason or choose one out of the drop-down menu and it will be acted upon accordingly, depending on how bad it is.
available player nicknames: 2017-03-15 21:01:23

The Joey
Level 59
Fizzer can't be wrong. He owns this site. He can do whatever the heck he wants with it. So maybe he is wrong if the question is, "How to grow Warlight?" but if he decides he values a player having the freedom to name himself Hitler, more than how much not allowing it would grow the site, than who is to say he is wrong? I mean why does it even matter? Are we supposed to forget who Hitler was? Are we supposed to be scared of the name? If we start banning names, what other names should we ban? Lenin, Churchill (http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2031992,00.html), Washington (started the French and Indian War)? All three of them caused the unnecessary deaths of thousands, if not millions of people. In the end banning a name is just a form of censorship. Good on Fizzer for not banning any.

Edited 3/15/2017 21:01:33
available player nicknames: 2017-03-15 21:27:06

Level 57
This suddenly feels topical :-D

available player nicknames: 2017-03-15 23:07:56

Level 56
+1 The Joey...mostly. However the minds that go behind such names is "ha ha i'm so edgy lol i'm going to name myself after the worst folk i know lol it's going to be so cool i learned about this guy in history class he did genocides of millions". It's too disrespectful.
available player nicknames: 2017-03-15 23:35:27

Clint Eastwood 
Level 59
My stance is this: you have the freedom of speech to name yourself whatever you want; however, you're still a prick if you name yourself something like that.
available player nicknames: 2017-03-16 00:29:20

Level 56
it's weird that Fizzer works against names like "xXx420_PЦ$$Ý$LАУЭR_420xXx" which at most you can say are somewhat offensive to women and forces folk to change them while doing nothing to the others.

He's even forced changes on names before as well. "FIZZER IS NIGGER" (a very inactive account) got changed to "FIZZER IS NIG" at some point because someone invited FIZZER IS NIGGER to all the tournaments and Fizzer didn't like that.

Edited 3/16/2017 00:29:30
available player nicknames: 2017-03-16 11:42:13

Level 62
Ahhhh the demonization of names and symbols... welcome to the new western culture... Hitler is dead for almost 74 years now, the nazionalsocialist workers party is disolved since then, and the Jewish people finally have their own country - a thriving oasis of modern society, a strong country - sourounded by medieval mid east states where women who don't cover themselves should be ashamed! How progressive is that!

See the whole thing here is a matter of historical perspective. examples(came in mind while typing):
-Austrian players can claim they are offended from somebody named Gustavus Adolfus
-British players can claim they are offended from somebody named Napoleon
-Aztec players can claim they are offended from somebody named Cortez or Conquistador
-Leftist players can claim they are offended from somebody's name whatever has to do with far right
-Rigtist players can claim they are offended from somebody's name whatever has to do with far left
-Mordor players can claim they are offended from somebody named Frodo aragorn gandalf

Freedom of speech does not go one way, and words hurt feeling - I know but actions hurt or harm people and this is much more important.
available player nicknames: 2017-03-16 12:33:35

Level 59
available player nicknames: 2017-03-16 16:25:32

Level 60
Varros pretty much sums it up; Hitler was but one of the many bloody conquerors this world's had. What makes his name forsaken is not the practice, but rather, the fact he was defeated and his followers had to be silenced, not forgotten after the man himself died to time. Otherwise, we'd have people complaining about Genghis' name being offensive.

Edited 3/16/2017 16:26:04
available player nicknames: 2017-03-17 10:06:03

Level 61
I think that offensive names should be prohibited in following cases:
1. if the player use both name and profile setting to glorify persons, things or all other stuff regarding the behaviour when it is undoubted that it is to be prohibited (example, Adolf Hitler and his picture on settings)
2. when this is offensive language over minors (minors also play this game and players should avoid calling themselves dicks, vaginas etc.)
3. When it is sole purpose to be offensive against some minority or majority or players

If someone is really calling Adolf Hitler (both name and family name are not so rare) why should we prohibit use of his name?

But, decision is not easy, and each impersonation should be reconsidered before banning such players.
available player nicknames: 2017-03-17 16:08:00

Level 57
Banning based off names is a pretty bad idea - I agree. Glam's post was also very good. :)

You ban based on actions. A player named "Adolf Hitler" can be a respectful person and a player with a non-offensive name can be a disrespectful troll. Should the person with the offensive name be banned while the offensive troll gets to stay because his actions are less apparent and get swept under the rug?
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