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Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-08 00:10:22

Level 59
Hey all!

I created a tool that can help you speed up WarLight map making. If you already have an existing map and need to transfer over some data to a new map, you can use this when creating a new map to have much of the work done for you. Important: When creating a new map family, upload your original file (the map to copy data from), use the tool, and THEN upload your new map file. The territory ID's should be almost the same, or this tool will not work as expected.


Tool Download:

I'm also planning to add this to the WarLight Mapmaking Wiki.
Questions or comments are welcome. Thanks!
Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-08 01:11:15

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Thank you NinjaNic for this ingenious solution to a problem that can be a major issue for some mapmakers! I am also really glad that you shared this with us! Once again, Thank You!
Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-08 01:17:29

Pink Velvet
Level 60
Very useful you are very great for helping out the map making community, I am sure many will appreciate this and I will use it myself. :)
Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-08 02:31:43

Level 61
may i suggest you make it open source and put it on github? so others can contribute updates if they want, and you get a free place to host your zip download.
Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-16 13:08:50

Olkani [PG] 
Level 63
Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-16 14:41:08

Level 67
i have no idea about map making, but i'm curious what do you mean by "almost" in "territory ID's should be almost the same" ;p
Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-16 19:55:57

Level 59
Your new SVG should have all the same ID's that are being transferred over, but can also contain some more. (But the user would need to name those territories.)

@Olkani - Looks great, and I'm glad it worked out so well for you!
Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-16 19:59:32

Level 59
If you are getting errors while transferring data, I'd recommend just uploading the SVG file from the first map. (Because all ID's and bonuses will be there.) And then change it from there.
Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-17 08:41:53

Olkani [PG] 
Level 63
only ö,ä,ü and ß don´t work

Edited 3/17/2017 08:42:08
Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-18 16:35:28

Level 59
only ö,ä,ü and ß don´t work

Thanks for the info! Spaces will not work either, but that's just how the API works.
Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-22 02:19:29

Level 62
Thanks for the tip Nic!!! I'll try this :P
Mapmaking Tool: 2017-03-26 20:11:02

Level 56
Great work, NinjaNic! So sad that I didn't see this thread a bit earlier :( It could have saved me a lot of time.
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