(Puss in boots reference in Title if anybody got that +1 to you)
I would like to give a comment about the last seasonal! Congratulations to Mod to his seasonal win , The template was at first not what I wanted but ultimately I grew myself into it and found it ultimately refreshing with the bonus values! I suppose the seasonal ladder is where we can get this "refreshment" feeling instead of the same template over and over and over again!
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7eiv5aElMZs The ladders for some people can be depressing and repetitive like this song so that's why I believe the seasonal ladders are popular!
Now , Considering there has been a FFA on the seasonal ladder before , I believe it would be nice to try a team seasonal as it would be refreshing. If we go for a 1v1 template , I feel we will play a old 1v1 template like Phobia which is fine but I don't know is that why players play this ladder.. if there was a 1v1 template like French Brawl or Africa we would hear of it by now , I don't think we have the option of a new refreshing template this seasonal which is a key difference to past seasonals!
I would like the idea to be discussed and thought of by the community. I won't be crying in my sleep if this doesn't get in .. unlike last seasonal where Small Earth didn't make it.
I assume since the FFA seasonal was 4 players using common sense , A 2v2 seasonal would be the best to accommodate speed. Using a voting stream or poll to decide the template whatever Fizzer sees best. If the general idea is given the go Light!
There are obviously tons of points that hasn't been discussed here , So here's the chance for people to be that "one guy who points out everything" , I just wanted to outline the skeleton of the idea in the main post.