>The one state you forget about. (also probably the state ross forgot about when he was trying to name all 50)
>everyone is a hog fan (expect for the people who don't sport) ((oh also if the Bears are playing the Hogs in a friendly or something some people are bear fans ... but other then that Hog fans.)
>KKK radio (or at least it used to be called that)
>Walmarts in every city (literally) ((Dillard's started here too but there as present as Walmart is))
>a lot of clean water
>28% have a degree
>State will close for any amount of snow
>The temperature changes all the time
>I once had a funny conversation with hanky talking about when people say something along the lines of "we don't do incest here this is *enter another southern state here* but i've always just been like "this is Arkansas"
>we are at the top of the drop down list for state (that's nice)
>humid as fuck
i'm done for now.
>I also like our flag though.
Edited 3/16/2017 03:00:49