Too many map projects going on. I would like to see this map completed, but I'm too busy to do it. main requirements:
1. You turn it into a diplomacy map. If you want to duplicate it and make another Polar projection map, that's fine. But if you want me to give you the SVG, you have to agree to finish the project that I began, otherwise there's no point in me giving it to you.
2. You keep the name "World Diplomacy - Polar Projection". This is not a flat earth map, and I don't want it being mistaken as such (though it inevitably will). This is simply a projection, much like Mercator or Robinson's.
3. You've made at least one good map before. I don't want to give this to someone with no mapmaking experience just so they can turn around and butcher it.
PM me your email if you're interested.
PS: I was planning on adding Antarctic territories, but that's up to whoever inherits the SVG now. Just a suggestion.
PPS: Also, whoever gets the SVG, please send me the map preview link so I can watch your progress. I'd like to see it come along.