I think Catfight should go into the WR section given that a WR section exists.
And it's not nice to call Georgia trash :(
Ah, nice catch on Catfight. I'll edit that. And Georgia Army Cap must be gross if so many people on the mdl are vetoing it! I'll change it though :p
I would split "standart" section according to the size of the map. It is really different game on 80 territories (e.g. Oxfordshire, Basileia) than on 130 (Malvia, Battle Islands or MME itself). At least for us non-elite players ;)
I don't think it's so much about the # of territories in a map as it is about the connectivity of the map (how many territories you have to go through to get from one end to another; a wrap-around map would be much more connected than something such as Laketown. That being said, if you would like more detail on templates in the standard section, I suggest you watch tutorial-esque videos that ps has made with knowledgeable and informative commentators (Motd, MoD, Beren, Master Jz to name a few). He goes over important parts of the map and strategies in picking on certain templates. He has made a video for almost every template on the mdl and you can find them by searching "Strategic Guide to ...." in the Forum.
@zażółć gęślą jaźń
I would say that shape of a map changes a lot too (Guiroma and Qina feel way different to me... or is it just me?). :P
Ya the shape is very different (I assume because they are maps of different places :p) but both templates are similar in that coverage of the map is important. Picking between them is very different, but you can always watch ps's videos for more details. To MoD's point about Qina, ya the +1 bonuses are important and overpowered but I think it fits better in coverage than any other category. The only other category I can think to put it into is 'Weird,' but it's not even that weird.