1. BonusValueQuickOverrider
https://github.com/TBestLittleHelper/WarLightMods/tree/master/TBest_Mods/BonusValue_QuickOverrider3. Override starting bonuses in common ways. Supports numTerriroties + N, numTerriroties * N, deafultBonusValue + N, deafultBonusValue * N. Can ignore 0 and negative bonuses.
Planned: Implement an option for randomness. (Change N randomly by X) Once that is done, I plan to publish it!
This is a great thread! Personally I hope we will end up with a mods (akin to Maps) page eventually.
PS. I am happy to recive feedback on my mod, including feature requests.
Edited 4/9/2017 04:57:38